but it doesn't mean i still can't have my fun. the letters proved to hard to cut out, so mr marker was called in to finish.
Sweeeet! Too bad about the cast in the first place though. If you don't mind me asking - what happened?
I've read that you can speed up the bone healing process quite a bit (like 3 weeks instead of 6) by taking about 12 grams of arginine a day. Add another gram of citrulline to keep the arginine active a full 24 hours. Maybe start at 4 grams, and work up to the 12 as you confirm that there are no bad effects. Bodybuilders and old folks with arterial calcification use this sort of supplement all the time. It increases nitric oxide, and may increase release of growth hormone. At these quantities, you really want to use bulk powders. The markup on the same stuff in capsules is obscene.
Nice work! I can't draw on mine... and don't even have a cast. But here's what I had installed last week.
Play Havoc, you did all that with your left hand? I take it you are left handed to begin with??? Love the first art work! Darrell, what's with the pin? Is that permanent or just for healing? OUCH!
Darrel... ouch. That looks scary. Bit of arthritis damage to your big toe by the looks of the xray. Both my tinky toes have that same slant to them from RA... Joint spacing look pretty good though, no?
yes i am left handed. i had surgery on my right wrist cause i tore the cartilage holding the bones together. they opened me up, sewed the cartilage together again and tada! cast for 7 weeks of which i've already done three. i can't even play ps3, now thats a heart breaker when you have time to kill.
Nice art work. Hope your feeling better, I feel your pain. Sorta. Just had my Ulna / Ulnar (depending on which doctor you see) transported from my left elbow to inside my arm. Was in a cast for 10 days and won't let me do any strength training for 4 wks. The pin looks painful. That's what happens when you kick your nail Gun.
There are a bunch of us with new temporary handicaps. I just had shoulder surgery yesterday and now have the pleasure of a sling & swathe for the next 6 weeks...great.
you got me, i think a sling sucks way more than just the cast alone cause i had to wear one for the first few weeks and it was very uncomfortable. i hope you a speedy recovery efusco and darell. for what it's worth i am using one of those soft rounded plastic hangers to itch with, the girl that put my cast on told me that if i did scrape myself and open up the skin it could get infected. man thats alot to type with one hand, thanks everybody.
I was recurrently dislocating my shoulder. Had to have the labrum repaired and the capsule tightened. All arthroscopic. I'd previously had surgery, 17 years ago, on the same shoulder for the same problem...but that was an open, now archaic, technique. I'm not having pain, but the sling for 2-6 weeks is gonna suck.
Speaking of '...sucks', I've heard using a vacuum with a crevice nozzle helps with those cast itches you can't scratch.