"Free parking" in LA City may cost $35!

Discussion in 'Prius, Hybrid, EV and Alt-Fuel News' started by Widdletink, Mar 22, 2005.

  1. madadayo

    madadayo New Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    I've received two parking citations for parking my Prius at the meter "without a placard at an expired meter." Can you believe it?

    The first time, I phoned it in and spoke to a sergeant at LA's Parking Enforcement (not the police dept but the city's parking enforcement) about the citation. He told that me that he'd remove the citation and that the parking enforcement officer was probably "not in the 15-25 roll calls advising them of the exemption." The sergeant was very helpful.

    I recently received a citation in the Hollywood area and phoned it in again and left a couple of voicemails with a lieutenant at Parking Enforcement/Dept of Trans...who, to this day, has failed to return my calls. I went ahead and printed the letter from the mayor's office and a letter requesting a review of the citation. I'm awaiting a response. You would think that since they work with vehicles (hence, Dept of Transportation/Parking Enforcement) a decal stating the vehicle is a hybrid (purely optional at this point) would be unnecessary. Hhhmmm...Let's see...Your job is related to vehicles? I would assume that a parking enforcement officer would know that a Toyota Prius is a hybrid. Then again...The citation issued to me shows that my Prius is blue when it's actually black. Go figure.

    I now leave a little note on my dashboard right where the VIN plate is on my dashboard.

    I'll keep you guys updated, too.
  2. IsrAmeriPrius

    IsrAmeriPrius Progressive Member

    May 27, 2004
    Southern California
    2005 Prius
    Has anyone seen any official announcement that the program has been extended past its original six month trial period?

    If it has not, this pilot program expired yesterday.
  3. herbielb

    herbielb New Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    I forgot that it was Apr 2 yesterday and got a ticket at a meter in Beverly Hills. I've only had my Prius for a few weeks and I'm already used to not paying at the meters.

    If anyone has info on what's happening with the free parking program please let me know... thanks...
  4. IsrAmeriPrius

    IsrAmeriPrius Progressive Member

    May 27, 2004
    Southern California
    2005 Prius
    <div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(herbielb\";p=\"78152)</div>
    Beverly Hills is an independent city, surrounded by the city of Los Angeles. It has a city council and a mayor who pass their own municipal code ordinances. As far as I know, it never had a program of free meter parking for hybrid automobiles.
  5. madadayo

    madadayo New Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    The program was for six months; however, the question is whether or not it was six months from the creation of the letter from the Mayor's Office...or six months after the month, period. If it's by the letter, then we still have some time (and continue placing our home-made placards on the dashboard).

    I think it's an excellent incentive. I hope it continues. I'll try to research it's continuance.
  6. Widdletink

    Widdletink Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Claremont, California
    2022 Prius Prime
    Hi All,

    According to Councilman Eric Garcetti's office, Mayor Kenneth Hahn's office and Mr. Max Reyes at LADOT - Los Angeles Department of Transportation (he is the person in charge of handling the Hybrid Parking Program, the program would have been scheduled to end on April 1, however it has been extended for "two months at least" to await LADOT's report to help determine whether or not this will become a permanent incentive.

    We might be able to swing the tide here by contacting the aforementioned people and telling them that we are very grateful for the program and appreciate the stand that the City of Los Angeles is making in helping to improve the environment for everyone by encouraging the purchase and use of Hybrid vehicles.

    You may reach Max Reyes at [email protected]
    I don't have the email addresses for Mayor Hahn or Councilman Garcetti but I am sure that contact info can be found easily enough on the web.

    I am going to be calling Mr. Reyes tomorrow to follow up on my situation and will ask him again to verify this info. I will also ask him if this extension will be appearing in print anywhere so that I will be able to get verification in case I use the incentive again.

    I will keep you all posted on my findings.

    Have a great week & take care,

  7. herbielb

    herbielb New Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    So this hybrid parking program is only good for the city of los angeles, right? So forget about Beverly Hills and Santa Monica? I'm a new Prius owner so I'm just trying to get all the correct info. Thanks!!
  8. madadayo

    madadayo New Member

    Mar 2, 2005
    That's right. As far as I know, it is a pilot program recognized (or sometimes, not recognized...if the parking enforcement officer is UNAWARE) by the City of Los Angeles. Santa Monica and Beverly Hills are not part of LA. You may want to contact their city council or parking enforcement.
  9. Widdletink

    Widdletink Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Claremont, California
    2022 Prius Prime
    Hi Again Herbielb,

    I just responded to another question you posed on another thread and feel that we are already old friends.

    Scan the responses above and you will find an address for a map that will show you what areas are part of the City of Los Angeles. I for one was amazed to find out just how much ground this city covers. I knew that Hollywood was L.A. but I didn't realize that Van Nuy's was too!

    You might also wish to go to lacity.org and look at the original press release (September, 04) announcing the program to get yourself up to speed on what they are offering (a really great deal) and what you need to do to get it (drive a hybrid).

    Also, as stated above, I would recommend that you make a copy of the press release (and if I get anything else in writing regarding an extension I will be happy to provide it) and keep it in your car for display when you wish to take advantage of the incentive.

    You might also consider getting in touch with [email protected] to get a set of hybrid decals to apply to the sides and back (or wherever you wish) of your car to stupid proof it. As the car only has the small hybrid synergy tag on the back hatch it would be possible for someone not to recognize it for what it is. I know, it happened to me and that is what started this particular thread.

    Take care and enjoy your car and your week.

  10. Erick

    Erick Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    Los Angeles
  11. Widdletink

    Widdletink Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Claremont, California
    2022 Prius Prime
    Hi All,

    I just wanted to let you all know that I spoke to Max Reyes at LADOT today and got confirmation that the program has been EXTENDED through May 31, 2005. They are still awaiting the financial impact report to determine the future of the offering.

    He seems to believe that the program will be extended at the very least for 1 year and possibly implemented permanently.

    He also stated that they are currently drafting another press release formally announcing the extension.

    As for my situation, I will need to re-fax my window sticker to verify the hybrid status of my car so that he can get the ticket cancelled.

    Again, I will keep you all posted!

    Take care,

  12. herbielb

    herbielb New Member

    Apr 3, 2005
    Hi Widdletink...

    Thanks for all the great info. You've been so helpfull!

    Have a nice day...
  13. flying

    flying New Member

    Mar 15, 2005
    ft. myers,Fl
    Hi Widdletink. Thanks for all the work you have done for our free parking in LA. Though I live in So. Florida, I spend some of the summer in Chatsworth and drive into LA several time each week and I hope they extend the time thru the rest of the year at least. I hope mayor Hahn is listening. Take care.
  14. IsrAmeriPrius

    IsrAmeriPrius Progressive Member

    May 27, 2004
    Southern California
    2005 Prius
    Chatsworth is within the Los Angeles City limits.
  15. jtowndog

    jtowndog New Member

    Mar 20, 2005
    Lomita, CA
    Just a side note, I was covering the press conference when the Mayor (James, not Kenneth) Hahn and Councilman Garcetti annouced the plan for the free parking of hybrids. It was in front of Skoobys Hot Dogs in Hollywood. After Hahn and Garcetti left I stayed behind and had lunch with my reporter and some of Hahn's staff. Well a bicycle cop comes riding up and proceeds to write a citation for one of the example hybrids in front of an unpaid meter. Hahn's staff runs to the cop and tries to explain to him about the press conference, who they were and the proposed law. The cop looks at them and tells them it's not been passed yet and continues to write the citation. After a bit more pleading they convinced the cop not to give the citation. Too bad the cop didn't stick to his guns. That would have been funny. :oops:
  16. davidbw

    davidbw Member

    Feb 14, 2004
    In front of my computer
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    G VS Q On CA Registration Cards

    Well I checked my registration card, and I found that I also had a "G" under motive power. I called the DMV and asked whether it should be something else. The DMV technician said that if it takes gasoline it is a G regardless of whether it is a hybrid or not. I then ask are you sure it should not be a "Q". He checked his documentation for a good 5 minutes. He found a memo "VR 2004-10, dated April 2004 stating that the letter "Q" will now apply to hybrid cars. I purchased my Prius in February 2004, so thats why I have a "G". He did not know how I was suppose to change it from a G to a Q, but said it should not be needed. The ARB makes the determination of who needs a smog certificate, not the DMV, and they go by the VIN.
  17. Widdletink

    Widdletink Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    Claremont, California
    2022 Prius Prime

    I would strongly advise you to go back to your dealer and have them file the paperwork to correct this mistake. It will indeed affect how your car is viewed by the DMV as my situation clearly demonstrates.

    That "G" could cost me $35 at the very least and might have cost me a heck of a lot more were it not discovered and remedied before I tried to get oh, say a permit to utilize the carpool lane when AB2628 finally gets put into effect.

    If the information regarding the G versus the Q were correct, and there was no potential problem then there would never have been a need to change the classification and no designation between vehicle drive types would have been made.

    We who own Prius' do have a slightly different situation than most other hybrid owner's have as saying you have a Prius is synonymous with saying you have a hybrid. Of course if all it took was saying "Prius" and all would be well, I would not have to be jumping through hoops right now to prove that my car qualifies to utilize the hybrid parking program.

    However, if you drive a Civic hybrid, Accord hybrid, Focus hybrid or will drive a Highlander hybrid this change in letter will be the difference between frustration and fulfillment.

    In my case, my dealer is filing for a duplicate title and changing the classification for the motor type there. I will let you all know when this situation is remedied.

    As for the ARB making the determination regarding smogging of a vehicle, that is correct...to a point. The VIN being used as the determining factor to fully identify a vehicle will ensure that, should a hybrid not be correctly classified, it will show up in the computer as needing to be smogged.

    I was told when the Mayor's office, Councilman's Office and gentleman from the LADOT all spoke with me regarding my car that according to the DMV information they received based on my VIN my car is deemed "Gasoline ONLY" and would need to be smogged in 2011, unless it is reclassified appropriately for it's engine type.

    Remember, your registration says "Toyota" not "Prius" and Toyota does make more than just our wonderful autos. So without that all important letter proving our environmental worth benefitting from the incentives offered for hybrid vehicle use may be difficult if not impossible.

    Bottom line, call your dealer, explain the situation and get them to fix it for you. In your case they did not actually make a mistake as the change in classification seems to have been enacted after your vehicle was purchased but I don't trust any of these entities as far as I could throw them where money is concerned.

    In the past I have had receipts for payments made through DMV for parking tickets that were never reported to LADOT. As a result my car was booted unjustly. After spending hours straightening out the mess that ensued because these two agencies do not "talk" (BTW when all was said and done they fixed the error and freed my wheel, but I still lost a days work and was never recompensed for that), I have learned my lesson and now do my darndest to get everything from either one in writing.

    Believe me, you will be on the phone or in their lobby right quick should you find yourself in the situation I have been in as you would suffer from the same result due to the classification error.

    Take care,

  18. seeh2o

    seeh2o Prius OG

    Mar 5, 2004
    City of Angels
    2013 Prius
    Is engine type under MP on the registration form? If so, I lucked out and bought a Q. I guess it really is a hybrid!
  19. ggalanti

    ggalanti Junior Member

    Nov 9, 2004
    Venice, California
    I also learned from Hahn's and Garcetti's offices that the program is to be extended for at least two more months to allow LADOT to present their findings about the feasibility of continuing it permanently.

    Is there anything official from Hahn's office which confirms the extension?
  20. davidbw

    davidbw Member

    Feb 14, 2004
    In front of my computer
    2012 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Well after calling the dealer, calling the DMV, and going to the DMV twice I finally got the Motive Power changed from a G to a Q.

    The DMV liason at my dealer just told me to call the DMV. She said that she was marking all of the Prius's as gasolene cars ever since they came out until all of a sudden the DMV told her that she should be marking them hybrid. This was apparently around 4/2004 when the CA DMV released memo VIN 2004-4 and VR 2004-10. She had no idea how to change it after she sent the paperwork to the DMV. I purchased my Prius in 2/2004.

    I next called the Sacramento DMV number for public information. As I also needed the breakdown on the registration fees. In California, a portion of the registration fees are tax deductible -- when you pay the fews on the renewal statement they tell you how much of it is tax deductible -- when a car dealer pays the fees on your behalf, you are not given this information. While I was on the phone I asked if he could change the G to a Q, and he spent 15 minutes checking his memos and finally said -- you are right. You should have a Q and not a G, but you have to go to a DMV office to change it.

    At my first visit the DMV technician did not know what I was talking about. I told her to look at VIN 2004-10, and she read the memo about hybrids and Prius's and said yes it should be a Q, but I dont know how to change it. She went to her supervisor, who apparently also had just bought a Prius herself. The supervisor said that I needed to come back with the title, and then it could be changed. After the next visit I now have a registration with a "Q".