I have been visiting this site for about three weeks now and have not yet quite figured out the meaning of the two columns of icons in each forums. Sometimes,in the first column, the envelope icon has one color and at other times it has another or is grey. The second column sometimes has 'smilies' rather than a picture of a document. Can someone point me towards the meaning of the icons? Thank you very much.
Scroll to the bottom of the page for the meanings of the envelope icons. They tell you whether the thread is "hot" or not, whether there are new posts or not, whether you have posted in the thread or not. The smilies are put there (sometimes) by whoever started the thread. They mean whatever that person wants them to mean. They're really just attention getters, and don't really mean anything at all. Welcome to Prius Chat.
hot is just that.... popular or high rate of posts per day and if "sizzling hot" could be high rate of posts PER HOUR
Yo, bro! Hot's the new cool, don't ya know. Hop's the new hip, pop's the new pap, out's the new in, black's the new white...
Just to clarify -- you need to be on the main page, not in "search results" or "new posts" or something like that, so see the explanation.