So do the prior event attendees have any specific suggestions to make the Chicago event even better? For example, some quick chauffered drives up Lake Shore Drive? (or how about just around the block? ) ... or a live demonstration of the IPA (parking assist)? I have the impression getting answers to questions, especially technical questions, is a bit hit or miss. Would a brief structured Q&A at the event be helpful? Are there any unanswered questions at this point? For example, I'm not sure we ever got official confirmation on Reverse Beep questions or whether there will be any suspension or structural differences on the high end cars to accomodate the 17" wheels. Maybe Toyota would be willing to answer some of those questions right here, if they were focused enough and didn't veer into issues we know they are not yet ready to discuss, like pricing and packages. That would certainly be more efficient and take us out of the realm of hearsay and speculation.
I don't think we have yet a satisfactory answer regarding USB. I'd also want to know if you can sync up an iPhone 3G's (or Google G1's) phone list via Bluetooth.
I would like the know the specifics on the tire/wheel options for the 2010 Prius. It looks like there is only a 15 and 17 inch option. Would like technical specifics on the MPG impact, if any, of the 17's and anything else you can find out about handling, etc. Thanks
The media event is coming up at the end of this month (with test drives, or so I hear). I would imaging some of the functionality questions will be answered then.
I don't think the question of traction control and if it has been improved has been asked. Would appreciate if you could find this out.
Based on a video I saw, USB is a dealer add-on for iPod integration, but not sure if it will accept a flash drive.
So, here’s the list so far. Does anyone have answers or more questions? Keep in mind I’m a little bit of a propeller head, but not much of a gear head, so please say it in plain English. Planetary gear sets just make my head spin! :mod: 1. Reverse Beep - is it still there and can it be turned off? 2. Wheels – a. Any suspension or structural differences to accomodate the 17" wheels? Boo said he didn’t see any. Any confirmation from Toyota? b. Specifics on the tire/wheel options? Seems pretty clear 15 (195/65) and 17 are the official options. Another thread said the 17 would have to be low profile to match up with the 15. Any confirmation from Toyota? c. Will there be a configuration/calibration for the speedo? d. MPG hit from 17” wheels - I thought we had confirmation from chief engineer’s logs that there was a 1 (combined) to 3 (city) mpg hit for the 17” wheel. e. Are they confident they’ve solved the handling issues? Any more specifics? I’m aware of the new sway bars. I’ve seen Toyota’s reference to having made adjustments to bushings, castor, height and angle of various components, etc. 3. Traction Control – Has it been improved? I know I had problems trying to do sharp turnouts with an 04 Prius, or coming off the least bit of dropoff, or with the least little bit of sand or gravel on the road. Have had no problems with my HyCam. 4. Purpose and uses for USB – I thought there was confirmation from more than 1 source this was solely for iPod (or other MP3?) integration and would have no other uses. Is there any additional information on how this will work and whether the functionality will be like other ipod integrations or somehow unique? Is this instead of going to the back of the stereo unit? Will it help with contact list transfers? 5. Bluetooth - Can you sync up an iPhone 3G's (or Google G1's) contact list via Bluetooth? THANKS!
I doubt it on with respect to the iPhone 3G. It's not a Toyota problem. Apple or a 3rd party needs to implement the right Bluetooth profile(s) to support this, maybe the Object Push Profile (Bluetooth profile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) Sorry, I'm no Bluetooth protocol expert. FWIW, I've found no UI on the iPhone 3G to allow sending a single nor multiple contacts via Bluetooth.
FYI, some of these questions did get answered. I've posted those answers in a new thread "What I learned in Chicago".