How's that for drama Actually, the FBI is involved, so it's likely some disgruntled patient, whose ax to grind should have been against the insurance company, IMO. But here's the article: Police: Doctor injured when bomb erupts in Lexus - You know some fan of gas guzzlers is busy on some thread, putting some kind of spin on the cause.
When has anyone put a traction battery in the engine compartment? I blame sources like the early Japlonik, AutoWorld, maybe Fox for spreading this misinformation.
Don't be such a maroon, as B.B., PhD would say. It was a BOMB in the FRONT! Not the battery which is in the rear.
So if I show the pictue to my wife, you don't think she'll buy into this for replacing our 400h? Oh well, just a thought.
And yes, thats a movie special FX car provided by Steve at just in case there was any doubt
Bob, indeed you are correct. This time they're driving it with a solid propellant rocket booster strapped in the back.
At least they had the good taste to remove the trim rings from the wheels. Looks great even spewing flames!