Huh? What is your basis for this? I've yet to find a pump that consistently fills the tank, and I'm not one who has had the really early shut offs. So far I've always shut off on the first click. From my calcs variation of fills from MFD spans a range of 1.52 gallons--13% of the stated capacity, and 20% of the average fill. It isn't the pump that is at fault. There are many other possible problems with the system than just the pump/nozzle. That is an unfortunate result of building an overly complex tank and vent system with an extra space and far more variables than are warranted.
It's obvious from the design and reported problems that the Prius bladder tank is more likely to cause trouble than ordinary tanks. It is also obvious from usage that overfill and early click-off happens with ordinary tanks, but less frequently than with the Prius. Therefor the Prius bladder tank is neither necessary nor sufficient for filling problems. In other words, simply having a bladder tank does not guarantee filling problems, nor does the absence of the bladder guarantee that you will never have filling problems. The data comes from the large number of posts related to this very issue, including polls, and from my personal experience with the Prius and other vehicles. The large majority of Prius owners seldom if ever have filling issues, and those that do frequently solve the problem by switching pumps. For the minority of Prius owners that have chronic problems, the problem may be related to problems with their specific Prius, or with the type of pump systems used in their area. We lack the data to correlate refueling problems by geography, but it would be an interesting study. Regardless of the cause, chronic refueling problems are understandably frustrating for those fighting with this issue. Tom
I agree, although I have no sweeping data. Niether does Toyota. I had fill-up problems the first year. Tried one pump and it kept shutting off. Tried another nozzle station 15 feet away and the same problem. I finally said the hell with it and continued to my local destination, about 10 miles away. My tank showed about 1/4 so I thought a fill-uo was not that necessary anyway. On the way back home I tried another station and had no problem. The car took about 6 gal. I think there is basically a compatibility problem between the Prius filling system , the bladder and individual gas stations and even individual punps at the same station, Since that one time, in 05, car was new, I have not experienced another filling problem. Possibly during that first year the bladder streched and allowed proper filling. It might be somewhat like trying to pour water into a toy balloon with your hand blocking the opening. The pump sensor might feel this backpressure and automatically shut off.
Hey Rick, I got my order form, said what colour, what package, price, free. You got that too didn't you? I thought everyone did? That Doug guy gave it to me in a white envelope and said thanks for coming. Didn't everyone get one? I just thought I would send you this PM to confer, please don't let everyone know, I maybe shouldn't be telling anyone. Thanks Rick Sparksy
I thought we weren't supposed to tell the others about it. Did someone at Toyota tell you it was okay to broadcast this? Tom
Secret is out now... ;-) Actually, I have the joke on Video, if I can find the means to edit, perhaps I'll YouTube it. Line went "Free? Not in today's economy" or something like that...
Just deal with it. I have the same issue (note not problem) Every car has its idiosyncrosies so just accept this as one of those "problems" Why do people expect the ultimate and then complain about the little things?
Will you all you stop about this re-filling saga? It's simple. Just re-fill when the pip is on one. Don't worry about the fill indicator.. watch your mileage. I've filled my tank on a 15 below zero day and it only took 7.8 gallons...on one pip. So what? It's a bladder, not contracts and expands in response to the temperature. You need to let yourself go about the conventional (steel) gas tanks.
TOM - yes, i'm sure. the "stop at one click method" generates 60-80 miles before the first pip goes away. if i "force feed" the tank many has said NOT to...........i can get 150+ miles before the first pip goes away. there is no spillage when i do this, but when i let the tank stop naturally at the first click, the RANGE is greatly reduced.
Shit!!! I thought I was sending Rick a PM, ah f***! Sorry Toyota, cat's out of the bag now, might have to give everyone a free car now, sorry!
DESIGN FLAW???? That's BS. I don't even consider it an issue. The bladder is a characteristic of the car. Who cares how many gallons of gas is in the tank. When it get to one bar, go get gas. It will take between 7-9 gallons to fill. I see nothing wrong with Toyota's reply. Consumer Reports article is hogwash. The bladder system works fine. The only problem is some people refusal to accept change. It is unique. I've own 3 pri since 2004.
Unique and flawed. It doesn't work well (flawed) and Toyota is abandoning it as a result making it unique. So it appears folks are refusing to "accept change" that has a demonstrated pattern of not working well.. The problem is with those in denial of there even being an issue. It's especially humorous that many of them either don't have the bladder tank, or don't have fill problems, or refuse to use about 1/4 of the tank that would be used on other vehicles. And yet they arrogantly tell others that actually experience problems that is all a driver issue.
No bladder, height adjustable drivers seat, EV button, Michelin tyres, life is beautiful (in Australia with a Gen II Prius).
I consider the filling issue a big problem for a minority of Prius owners experiencing frequent or chronic filling problems. For the rest of us I consider it more an issue of specifications. Toyota should never have listed the fuel capacity of the North American Prius as 11.9 gallons, as the usable capacity is quite a bit less. This creates false expectations and frustration. As for the design, the bladder system is overly fussy, requires too many components, and introduces too much variation. It's not a big deal for most of us, but it's still not a great design. Toyota has wisely decided to drop this approach for the 2010 model. Likewise the expensive thermos system has been replaced by a heat exchanger. Tom
where tom? and how much? look people, i'm NOT gonna jump off a boat that's NOT sinking here. all i'm saying is that capacity should be that, capacity. if i were to get a true 11+ gallons in my tank, i would be driving for a week and a half before i even look at a station. part of why i bought my prius was to drive by the stations and just wave on by. it has helped me considerably, but as others, i would like MORE. err........i would like what i was PROMISED. hows that?