Hello everyone!! I'm a newbie.. and I just bought a wonderful 2008 Seaside Pearl Prius package 6. I was very torn between the 08/09 model and the new 2010 one, but I found a good deal on this 08 and since Toyota doesn't offer Seaside Pearl color on the new 2010 .. I decided to go with the older model. I just ordered it from Carmax in San Antonio, TX.. and waiting for it to arrive in Chicagoland where I live, so i can finally load it up with all the accessories I already bought for it!! :cheer2: Question.. do you guys have any good names to propose for my Prius? My husband wants to call it "Smurfette".. but I don't like it Any ideas? Thank you and congratulations for this VERY useful website and forum!!
Wow! The name of your vehicle is such a personal decision. I'm surprised you're asking for suggestions. I've named my 2008, package 5, seaside pearl "Jones." I call him that because if I don't drive him for a day, I begin to experience a distinct "jones-ing" to get out and take him for a spin. I'd suggest you wait for several days to thoroughly bond with your vehicle and the name will suddenly come to you in a moment of inspiration.
I've been toying with tag names...candidates so far : PRIUS NV IGOCHEAP WYNDUPKR TECHNOWZ 46+ MPG! These arn't personal or pet names but are fun to play with. :welcome: Charlie
I named mine Epi. Short for Epinephrine, the magical chemical that boosts the supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain and muscles.:mod: The Prius just has that effect I guess, if I don't watch it my Prius may give me a H.A.
I was thinking a cool name like one of the shuttles from Star Trek or other ship names, like Copernicus, Galileo, Agamemnon, Reliant, Prometheus, Daedulus, etc. But I also want something that evokes that, but is not a direct copy. So I'm still searching.
I guess you're right.. I probably have to wait and drive it for a little while and I'll find a good name for it.. but I do appreciate all the suggestions everyone's giving me! Man... I can't wait to finally start driving it! :bounce:
ABSOLUTELY !! This will make you eligible to have your shuttlecraft upgraded with Starfleet weapons, warp drive, transporters. Lt. Cmdr. Willie Yee, Shuttlecraft Zhang Heng XO USS Abraham Lincoln Let me know the name you choose. Also submit a photo showing some externally visible evidence of your committment to Starfleet (bumper sticker, graphics, etc.) Take the Prius-class Shuttlecraft certification exam On completion of all these, a CD-R will be sent to upgrade your shuttlecraft to Starfleet specifications
Our Prius told me his name when he was good and ready! Like someone else said, just drive it awhile. You'll get a feel for whether it is a he or a she, and if you quietly wait, you just might hear the whisper when it's ready to share its name with you.
Well after a lot of thought I have come up with 8 possibles. Only 1 is a known ship in Sci-Fi, at least as far as I know, but I just like the name. Agamemnon Potemkin Rameses Seleya Kohlinar Yamamoto Nakamura Archipelago Let's hear recommendations and reasoning.
Some of my free associations: Agamemnon Potemkin Rameses - Like Trojans, a brand of condom. Suggests virility. Seleya Kohlinar - A ceremony. Like "Confirmation" or how about "Bris"? Or a discipline, or state of acheivement. Like "Enlightenment." Yamamoto - A hero or a war criminal, depending on who you ask. And he did lose some significant battles. Nakamura Archipelago - A geographic feature. Like "peninsula" or "island." No punch. Starfleet protocol would suggest that shuttlecraft be named after explorers, scientists, or TV producers. names of generals and warrors would be reserved for heavy cruisers and other intimidating implements of war. Suggest you look into astronomers of your favorite ethnicity or whatever. Names that deserve wider recognition. Like Zhang Heng (taken).
I call mine "My Car" or "The Prius" as I only have 1 Prius so it is obvious to everyone else what I am talking about. I've never named a car and I doubt I ever will, unless Toyota ask me to.
Snead.........I have shared elsewhere on the forum the name of my almost 3-week old SuperWhite '09...........she's Eleanor. Her namesake is the last car (Mustang) that Nicholas Cage boosted in the movie "Gone in Sixty Seconds." I have a love for Mustangs, having owned 3. So it was a weird bond of kindred spirits between Eleanor and the ghost of "Melissa" my first Mustang. I know it's crazy, but this whole love affair with the Prius is also very emotional!!! Have fun and......name when you are ready!! Be sure to share your choice with us!!
I just had a thought. Will the first person to get their 2010 Prius with lane keep assist and adaptive cruise call it Christine? That was a car that drove itself.
Well for Rameses I had the Pharoah in mind, not the condom. Still can't make a decision. One minute I'm leaning real strong toward one name, a little later a different one. Oh well, no rush.
I named mine Daisuke (pronounced Dice-K) Caruzaka - since the car is from Japan I named him after Daisuke Matsuzaka the Red Sox pitcher.