ya true, but bush did a pretty good one man job on several issues where he had major opposition and still managed to win... remember, any president has a 2/3rd advantage
I think that Dave has hit on the crux of the issue. We cannot wait any longer. I work at a scientific research institution and our scientists have been beating the drums about the effects of global climate change for many years. I have to give the Obama administration credit for doing the "right thing," especially when it seems that the folks in Washington only seem to be interested in doing the "political thing." Regardless of who manufactures the hybrids, the key element here is the message that is being delivered.
Real Republicans, the ones who are savvy about the issues and write the party platform, generally favor free trade. The people you are thinking of - who vote Republican, refuse to drive anything other than their big American made trucks, and vandalize "foreign made" cars - probably aren't too familiar with the party platform. Although at this point I'm not too sure who makes up the bulk of the party. In Washington it is generally the Democrats who cry that free trade agreements have sent American jobs overseas where people are willing to work for lower wages. Barack Obama is the one who promised to undo NAFTA and CAFTA. The real bloodshed would definitely be inside the Democratic Party if the government ever awarded a contract to anyone other than the UAW. Tim
Unions are good when they do something besides boost themselves. The hybrid as HOV should only apply to those vehicles making more than 40 mpg. A GD Lexus, or GM, or Whomever hybrid making 25 mpg is crap.