My parents moved down to Arizona and have a 60" LCD tv they want to get rid of after having it for a year (too big they say). They said if I pick it up, I can have it for free. I'm up in Minnesota so taking the Prius would be ideal, but I'm not sure if it would fit. Has anyone tried?
Probably not. However, I know a 47" Vizio LCD does. There is a simple way to find out if the 60" will fit - use a tape measure.
don't be rediculous, it will not fit any 60 inch, unless you want to drive laying down and remove all seats. Get special mounting bracket and special wood frame made for tv for the roof and drive slowly if you wish
I just looked up a 60 inch at amazon and the dimensions of that particular set would fit, although it might stick out the back and have to have the hatch padded and tied down. Measure it and your trunk. It's amazing what you can get into a Prius.
I carried my 46 inch home from the shop in the box in the back of my Prius so it might fit a 60 inch without the box. Get out a tape measure. What is the make and model of the TV?
I carried a single mattress which is longer thanthe tv but you need to check the width which will be less than the diagonal 60 inches. Measure for a diagonal insertion thru the trunk with the back seats down. Get me the three demensions (depth,width, height )and I'll check using mine if you're not sure what to do.
I just bought a 52" lcd tv and it with a large arm and a blue ray player fit in (minus box - folded flat) no problem. Measure the width the length should be no problem. Good Luck!!
60" Too Big! No way, it's too small!! I have a Sharp 65" and it's 40" tall and 60" long (and actually 63" diagonal, but who tells the truth these days anyway) . Measure your car. You're not supposed to move them laying down, but that's to ensure you don't put -any- force on the screen (the glass WILL shatter if you do). I have carried a smaller 42" laying on its' back (screen up) with no problems.
Why not just rent an Avis Van to go pick it up? The point is you'd like to carry this Free 60" glass panel back home safely and effectively, don't spend time on pondering if it'll fit into a Prius because it's too risky for both the TV itself as well as in your trip home (possibly blocking the whole rear view).
I carried 2 32" x 80" slab doors with and another person in the car and all the doors, windows, and the hatch shut before.
Find the dimensions of the TV you want to move. Then measure. I would think you could move it with the back seats down. Remember 60 inches in the diagonal measurement of the screen. True width would probably be around 60 inches provided the speakers weren't on the side. It's amazing what you can move in these things. Best of luck. Jelloslug has pretty much confirmed that it should be no problem.
I put 14 sheets of 3x5 concrete backerboard in laying flat. As everyone said, what are the dimensions. Also depends upon the box size too, do you want to drive home with a box? Figure 3 feet is the width you can get away with if you want to lay it horizontal, for something thin, at an angle you probably can get away with 30% more than that (40% if you push it).
There is almost no difference. Both have a glass sheet which -WILL- shatter if you put -any- force on them. DO NOT put -anything- against the front! Even a pillow will put too much force on it as the car bounces down the road. Laptop displays don't have this glass sheet on the front, but will still shatter as the display is built on a sheet of glass. The larger TVs add a layer of glass to support the LCD.
My 52" still in the box fit perfect. Back seats laid down, and hatch closed. Those dudes at Best Buy were still scratching their heads as I drove off.I looked up the shipping container size online first and knew it would JUST fit.
Let's see: Screen ratio is 16 wide(long) x 9 high(wide) Pythagorean equation: 16 squared + 9 squared = diagonal squared or 337 Square root of 337 = 18.357 Ratios: 60" is to 18.357 as X" is to 9 so X" = (9x60)/18.357 or 29.42" So the dimensions are close to 60" diagonal, 30" short side, 53" long side