Interesting, I could have sworn that I had mine over 110MPH-- I know I had it in triple digits, but don't remember the exact speed. I found the car to be much less driveable above 92-95MPH; I don't recommend it unless you're under controlled conditions.
Controlled conditions? So something like a dark, stormy night on a wet, icy, winding, windswept, mountainous road with no guardrails? Sounds like fun : )
When I test drove a 2K4, I took it out on the interstate as the dealer gave it to me for the afternoon for an extended test drive. I hit 105 MPH and it sounded like it was about to come apart. I did not hold the speed that high for long as it did not sound good or feel very safe on those skinny 14 inch tires. I was just impressed it was able to. I normally drive 70-75 on the highway so this car suits my needs just fine and then some. I just wished I could have actually bought a 2K4. I ended up getting 2K3 Classic and I am still happy with it.
Last Thursday on the wide open plains of Wyoming (no one around) I had it up to 102mph. Then I saw some antelope on the side of the road and decided I'd better cool my jets! At 102 it handled as well as it does at 50mph, very very smooth, no shaking.
I'm not sure about the tires, but the 2004 has 15-inch wheels, right? The Prius feels fine at 95 MPH.
So much for moderate speeds and no full power/throttle usage during the 600 miles break in... Or was it already over that? -Rick
Hmmm - first we need to get a coeffiecient of drag... then we need to get a C130 and go to about 10,000 feeet, we push the Prius out the back, and... oh you mean on a HIGHWAY.. Hmmmm.
Which is why I would never buy a demo car. Though I personally don't abuse them, a lot of people want to see how a car handles (power, emergency stops, etc) before they buy and it isn't the car they will end up with so they don't care if it suffers.
I've tried going for the top speed of my 2008 Prius on the German Autobahn and found out it was limited to 180 kph, not just 170. Could get it to 181 when going down hill, but that's probably just the accuracy of the limiting system (compare with setting the cruise control). So that would around the 112 mph mark. It takes a bit of time to get there but the Prius does the 180 quite easily and remain rock solid. If it weren't limited it would go faster, as you can feel the limiter kicking in ever so slightly. The engine has slightly more hoompf at that point. What I found really incredible, that while cruising at speeds of 140 to 160 with some peaks of 180 for quite a bit of time (at least a couple of hours), average fuel consumption in the energy dialog went up slightly, but still came out around 5,8 or 5,9 l/100km (around the 40 mpg). I thought that amazing for a petrol powered car.
But the meter gives a speed which is at least 5% too high (checked with the GPS of the TomTom navigator).
I've done 106mph going downhill in my 05. Car seemed to handle it pretty well. But given how much the car moves in 'normal' crosswinds I won't be making a habit of those speeds.
I've sustained 104mph in the Prairies, a few years ago. It was underwhelming. I prefer going fast through the twisties .
a prius will tend to top out between 108 and 110 depending on terrain. my prius is oddly stable at such speeds... i would hate to have to make an emergency lane change at speeds though...
I think it was 174km/h sustained for 10 minutes with 3 adults plus luggage aboard. You can lose your car here if you get caught going that fast, I did this in Northern Territory where the open road speed limit is 130km/h but in South Australia it's only 110km/h.
Someone has to take one to Bonneville for speed weeks! Has anyone ever set a land speed record with a hybrid?
Yup.... ~131MPH in a modified Prius Green Car Congress: Landspeed Prius Hits 130.794 mph at Bonneville