I got my S-G Friday, but I haven't tried to install it. It's been so very cold here in SW Ohio and even thought the Prius is garaged I didn't think the stickies would hold. I just went out in the garage and played around with placement and haven't found a great place for it. Except just below the cubbie door on the middle of the dash. That doesn't seem to be a bad place, except for looking at the gauge, but I don't think a glance there would be dangerous. I don't intend on staring at it all the time, just want some read-outs not on the dash. In this position the cable won't be a problem. The cable is much thicker than I thought it would be and I hate the clutter on the dash. Any other suggestions ? Thanks, Fred
Congrats and good luck with your scan gauge! There are many threads and posts on PC discussing locations, even some installation photos. Some people report that the velcro isn't a good option because it unsticks itself in the extreme hot sun. I've hand-crafted a board out of oak to exactly fit into the cubbie below the radio, which sticks out about 9". I've mounted my TWO scangauge on it using a better-quality 3M velcro. Nice thing about the board is that I have angled the end surface so that the scangauge is at the perfect angle to minimize reflecting outside glare. No pix to show, but I'll take some soon and post them here.
Fred, There are a number of "standard" mounting locations: * In the box below the radio * Over the mirror (aftermarket mounting system) * Just over the steering wheel * On the dash by the small window to the far left. Run a search using "Scan Gauge Mounting" as the search term you'll find several threads where the pros and cons have been discussd. Hope this helps. Almost forgot; you'll find the SG very useful: ICE info, 12 battery checks, etc.
Here is a link of a post I made awhile back of where I put my ScanGauge: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/52046-scan-gauge-ii-install-pics.html
Someone else just asked me about how/where I installed my scangauge. Here's the link with photos. In my opinion, this is the best place to put it. Good luck. http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/38647-where-i-installed-my-scangauge.html
I ran the cable in the seam just to the right of the steering column, and mounted it on top of the column right in the center. I used regular 3M double stick tape just to try it there. That was over 2 years ago, and its still holding fine, here in sunny California, where the interior temps are often well over 100°. Never been colder than +30 something, so I can't comment on that.
I simply wrapped the wire over the steering column and around twice and it sits on top of the column perfectly. I have occasionally unwound it and handed it to a passenger to play with.
There is a danger in allowing a passenger to play, if you press the more button relentlessly it will kill the engine requiring a reboot.
OK, here are the photos. Fabricated from two pieces of 1x8 Oak, glued, clamped, cut & sanded to desired size & shape. Holes cut out to reduce weight and to provide a convenient place to wrap other power cords (cell phone, GPS unit). Top, bottom, and sides are very slightly tapered to the back so that the mounting board is snug when pushed in all the way. Otherwise, the board will tend to rattle. Notice the tie straps tightly holding the two gauges together. Notice also the 1-foot length of Cat-5 cable connecting the two gauges. The extra OBD2 cable is bundled and stowed beneath the mounting board.
I just got mine also and have it temporarily mounted in the box under the radio, just wedged in. I am thinking on the dash in front of steering wheel so it can be seen above the horn OR on the far left of the dash over the AC vent. I am also wondering what you veterans scan with the scan guage. I have it on RPM, MPG, FWT and VLT. Just as a start, will get into the manual sometime soon to get it going, and to possibly set the Xguages.
Has anyone tried mounting the scangauge in the compartment for sunglasses above the rear view mirror? It seems like it's an ideal place, if the wires are long enough.
I have 2 scangauges installed (see earlier post), so I can monitor 8 items. TRP (trip MPG) MPG (instantaneous) FWT SOC AMP (HV battery amps) RPM IGN VLT (HV battery volts) On my MFD display I switch back and forth to monitor instantaneous MPG (to compare with scangauge, which is always off after each calibration) and Tank MPG (I only reset after each fill-up). If I were to monitor just 4 parameters, it would be: TRP (trip MPG) FWT IGN AMP
I just got my Scangauge mounted last night. I went with the ProClip Center mount; then made a "shelf" to adapt the SG to it. I'll probably post pictures early next week if time permits. What I did was use a piece of 1" gray PVC conduit, about 5.5" long, Which I slit on a table saw, then formed into an angle shape using a heat gun. I then dremeled out an access hole for the cable to connect in the back of the SG; and drilled/countersinked to match the standard 4-hole pattern on the ProClip center mount. The SG is then velcroed on it's bottom to the shelf. The way I have this configured, the right edge of the SG is 5/8" to the left of the right edge of the ProClip plate. and the top of the SG lines up with the top of the ProClip plate. This way I have full access to the climate & power buttons. And the display is an short distance from my normal line-of-sight. If anyone else wants to make a shelf like this, I can go into more detail on manufacturing things I learned. I also have a pdf of my drawing I'd be happy to send. PM me if you are interested. It's too bad ProClip doesn't make something like this. I've wondered if they'd consider it, if I sent them my drawing...