My Prius is a week old today and I was wondering how soon (and how often there after) should I clay bar and wax my car. Also, are there any other products I should be using? I'm a real newbie at all this so thanks in advance.
I wouldn't use a clay bar at all until the car is several years old and/or develops some oxidation on the finish. And I'd not use any wax or cleaning product containing abraisives for now either. Use a non-abraisive wax or product like Zaino. I do my car once in the spring and again in the fall, or aspire to that..... Once or twice a year should be sufficient.
I use Zaino as well and let me tell you it is an amazing product. I've been detailing for almost 17 years and it produces the most shine and the longest durability of any product I've used. Just make sure before using it for the first time wash your car with dawn to remove any other product that may be on the surface. I use their Z-AIO (its an all in one product with an extremely mild cleaner in it to remove oxidation) once in the spring and once in the fall. In between like once a month I put on a quick coat of z5 followed by a coat of z2. (now their z5 and z2 are pro products.) Also, if you really want to save enormous time, just buy their z-cs. Use that once a month, you spray it on the applicator and put it on and thats it. In a few hours the haze goes away and you dont need to buff it off. Absolutely amazing and the shine is great. Keep in mind their products are only sealers and contain no abrasives thats why i say use the z-aio once or i use it twice a year to remove oxidation as well as reduce the swirl marks somewhat. As for claying the vehicle i do it once a year. You'll know when to do it by placing some plastic wrap over your index finger and then feel the paint. If you feel bumps, like small tree sap bumps, clay will remove all that.
i would consider hijacking this thread i think u really should consider getting the 3m invisible film installed. i use black magic. its $6 or something. good enough for me. only seems to last about a month
I was told to get wax on my car ASAP. I took the option to not have my car run through an automatic car wash before taking delivery. Figured the paint was unprotected, so washed it, and used Meguairs Tech wax. To help you out since you're a newbie.... plan on spending a few bucks on detailing supplies. Just used a sponge today with hundreds of microfiber fingers, commonly available. Got mine for $3 at WalMart. Quality car wash like Meguiars Gold Class is good. Use 2 buckets, the other to rinse the sponge. I wash top to bottom, around the car, knowing most of the dirt near bottom of car. Just learned to final rinse the car without hose nozzle, and it works great! Water 'sheets off' much better. This is a great trick to save time. Microfiber waffle weave drying towel is your friend. Won't tell you how long I spend drying the car, including opening all doors, hatch and hood ... it's sinful. -------- Haven't used a clay kit in 5 months of ownership. Don't plan to anytime soon. Meguiars 'Cleaner Wax' gave a really eye popping shine last time I used it. But, I didn't like the bit of dust left here and there, likely due to the carnauba type of wax in it. I suggested Meguiars come out with a Nxt Tech cleaner/wax since the tech wax only does not leave dust behind. Tech wax is synthetic and works very well. You will need glass cloths for windows. Also, use glass cloth on the plastic by your radio knobs, or you'll get fine scratches. Get polishing cloths for removing wax. Glass cleaner, interior cleaner, rubber / vinyl protectant are also part of my gear.
Microfibers are great but you have to watch it with cheap ones, like the ones you can get 20 for $9 at costco or bj's... Since they last a long time when properly cared for it's good to spend a little more for the quality ones, cush as those found at Also, I've mentioned I use all synthetic products from but I don't get their car wash or their spray detailer. Instead I buy the car wash by the gallon from griots since it saves money and is a great car wash. Also, I buy their spray on wax. Each and every time I wash my car, when there is still water on it before drying I give a spritz of the spray on wax before wiping dry each panel. It is great stuff and it truly does apply a slick finish that gets protects and gets you by until the next washing. Doing this one simple extra step when drying truly makes protectant products last a lot longer...
I'll try a bit of Meg's Mist & Wipe detailer when drying next time.Maybe sometime I'll spend extra and special order the high end Zaino stuff.
I wash my Prius and detail it at least twice a month. On top of it, I also wash and detail other customers' cars periodically. I have a 2008 Super White. My full detail is, - Wash with Meguiar's Gold Class Soap(neutral pH balance, wont strip any existing wax or damage paint) - Completely dry entire vehicle using microfibers and an electric leaf blower. - Clay using Meguiars Detailer Line Blue Clay and Meguiars Quik Detailer as lubricant, wiping off any excess with a microfiber. - Apply Meguiars Show Car Glaze(M07) to each panel, wiping off imediately after applying as directed to bring out some of the shine that is lost. (I have only done this once so far) - Use my DA Polisher to apply a coat of Meguiars Cleaner Wax. - Let sit for 10-15 minutes until no streaking occurs when wiping, then wipe off using another microfiber. - Use the DA to apply a coat of Meguiars Gold Class Liquid Wax. - Let sit for 10-15 minutes until no streaking occures on first wipe, then wipe down entire car with another microfiber. - Use the DA to apply the 3rd and final layer of wax. Meguiar's NXT 2.0. - Let sit for 10-15 and then wipe. The 2 pictures below are just a wash, clay bar, 2 coats of NXT 2.0, and Hot Shine on the tires. Both in the shade, so no good reflections. Should have some good reflection shots by Thursday.
Griots version of the Meguire's mist n wipe you mentioned is "speed shine". That's made for dry paint, like if there is very minor grime on the paint, nothing too abrasive. Griot's "Spray on Wax" can also be used on dry paint but it can also be usedwhen the paint is still wet, that's how I use it. It produces a much more slick finish than the spray detailers out there, even their own speed shine so I use it instead of anything else. I was skeptical of the zaino at first to be honest, I was a carnuba guy for years and years but these new synthetic polymer sealants are amaing. Another great thing about them is no powdery residue when buffing out.
+1 to what Paradox suggested. You can tell if you need to clay by doing the sandwich baggie test. Insert your hand into a plastic sandwich baggie and then run over an area of the paint that is spray lubed with quick detailer or shampoo. The plastic baggie amplifies the feeling of embedded nasties. If it glides, then you don't need to clay until later, but many times, even on a new vehicle, there's alot of embedded particles in the clearcoat (from transport, sitting out on the dealer's lot, etc.). Claying won't mar the paint as long as you use plenty of lube and a non-aggressive grade of clay, like over-the-counter Meguiars or Mothers. After you clay, definitely apply some sort of protection, because the clay will remove any remaining wax.
Mine today after a wash and dry.Last waxed on 12/7 using Meguiars cleaner wax.
Forget drying the car with a microfiber.That's alot of extra muscle time. Check out the Water Blade link below. Wheels ok as you have no choice but the less dry rubbing on the clear coat the better. No microfiber cloths to wasted water. Works great and will dry the entire Prius off in less than a minute: California 12 Water Blade - Water Blade - Available in most auto parts stores.
its great for white cars. but on my black car, the mister clean autodry sucks. ive had great luck with that new rain x brand instant drying car wash. if you like the basic premise of the mr clean auto dry kit, what you really should do is get an inline water filter for RV's they cost about $60 and deionize the water, and last a lot longer then the mr clean autodry filters. the rain x is on the expensive side. like 32 oz for $8 or something, and according to the directions, its like 1-3 ounces of detergent per gallon of water theres another brand of autodrying car wash but it doesnt work as well as the rain-x brand. the rain-x brand will make your windows/mirrors filmy, so you have to wipe those off
I wash with a good wash and wax car wash about every fortnight and dry with an artificial chamois and wax once every year to 18 months. My car is kept under cover any chance I get. That is I park under cover at work, at home and at shopping malls. I also have better things to do with my time. Mr Sheen furniture polish removes bugs, tar etc. and leaves a protective wax behind.
I have found the folks at Optimum Forum (Powered by Invision Power Board) to be extremely helpful and free of the BS that plagues so many other sites. There is a great deal of information there for the detailing newbie. Autopia has great info as well, but you can run into brand zealots who hijack threads and become wearisome. It all depends on how much time you want to spend detailing. The information is there. I love detailing and spend a lot of time cleaning (almost daily), claying (about two times a year), polishing and sealing my car. If you like, check my album for a shot or two of the finish on my black car.
I clay bar and wax every time I wash. The finish looks like I just bought it. I use McGuire's (spelling??) products and a couple things I got at Griot's Garage. The car is so small it only takes about 45 minutes. If you wait for Toyota paint to oxydize.............well lets just say I hope you have a long and healthy life.