I just bought a 2006 Prius from a Honda dealer, so they really weren't that knowledgable on the car itself and it didn't come with an owner's manual. Does anyone know what exactly is this "device" that's attached to my windshield by the rear view mirror - it's a triangular device, black, looks kind of like a stealth bomber! I have no idea what it's for and since I'm new to this forum, it won't let me include a link to a picture of it until I've made "5 posts or more"... Any help identifying it would be great! Thank you!
I posted a picture of it at: priuschat dotcom / forums / members / cj33-albums-cj33-picture1052-photo.jpg
well then I definitely would like to know what it is then... i don't want some sort of government spy tracking device in my car
A quick google search turned up this: I do recall something about a SIRIUS antenna like this being developed, and promptly forgot all about it. I'm guessing that is what it is.
Weird. Most def not OEM. What does the side against the glass look like? Any wires leading to/from it? Maybe it's an updated "tinfoil hat."
Ooohhh (said with a squeal of excitement), what a great idea: an active thought control jammer. You would still need to wear your hat when leaving the safe cocoon of the car. Tom
petteri, Thanks! That's exactly the same device as what's mounted to my windshield. Since I don't have (or want) satellite radio, all I have to do now is figure out how to remove it (it's ugly as all get-out). Thanks again!
If you ever do decide to go the satellite radio route, avoid this type of antenna. The reception isn't all that good. The externally mounted ones do a much better job!
That is most definitely an old design Sirius satellite radio antenna. Pressing the AM button multiple times will normally cycle through the AM, SAT1, and SAT2 settings. (SAT1 and SAT2 are basicly the same as FM1 and FM2 giving you multiple preset stations). It can be easily removed and the wiring should lead you to the passenger side rear seat where you should find the Sirius receiver. (Unless someone removed the receiver unit, leaving you with only an ugly antenna and some extra wiring)