Have you had a Gen2 Prius windshield crack?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Main Forum' started by Celtic Blue, Oct 13, 2008.

  1. Yes, had one replaced.

  2. Yes, had more than one replaced.

  3. Yes, was able to repair/stop crack.

  4. No, but have chip(s).

  5. No, and no damage visible.

  1. coooltroy

    coooltroy New Member

    Jan 29, 2009
    Lincoln Ca
    2008 Prius
    Yes, 8k miles, parked in the sun at the market, came out to the car to find a snaking crack from the middle bottom part of the windshield halfway up the windshield and looping over to the passenger side 50% across. No impact marks. Dealer says they see an impact mark, directly under the wiper blade, there is nothing there but a 1/64th inch or less chip. I had it inspected by Safelight, they agree there is no impact mark, it is a stress fracture, and the 1/64th or less chip is from the fracture, not the cause of the fracture. They tell this to the GM at the dealer, but he wont accept unless they put it in writing, which they can't do as it is toyotas problem and not something they want to be liable for as they arent the ones who will replace it, and they didnt sell it. Dealer is going to have a factory rep inspect in 5-6 weeks. This is ridiculous. What happens if a rock hits my windshield during this time?? Has anyone emailed pictures of their windshield cracks to corporate and gotten any action?