Great news (for me), as the dealer informed me earlier today that my car is slated to arrive at the port on April 14th! I can hardly wait (especially as the car it is replacing is on its last legs, after 213,000 miles). The salesperson indicated that I have a few days to specify which dealer accessories I'd like with the car. Thanks to this forum, I've already figured out which accessories I want. I was somewhat surprised when after I told the salesperson that I wanted an auto-dimming mirror added to the car, he informed me that his computer was indicating that the accessory was incompatible with my package (AM). I told him that I found that hard to believe. He then did a little more exploring on his computer, and informed me that the auto-dimming mirror returned the same message (incompatible, or something like that) for packages GY, AG, BI, AI, and BC (as well as BJ -- not sure what that one is). I can understand it not being compatible with AI and BC, as those packages include the auto-dimming mirror. I figured I'd check on this with the best group of Prius experts I know of -- the members of this forum. So, has anybody else encountered this problem when trying to order this accessory? Or, asked another way, were any of you with GY, AG, BI, or AM packages able to add this accessory to the order that you placed (and received)? FWIW, I'm in Pennyslvania, as is the dealer/salesperson with whom I'm working. Tom
Does your car have the side air bags and air curtains? The wiring for the auto dimming / Homelink mirror has compatibility issues with those SRS devices.
As Tideland Prius indicated, the AM package does have side airbags. The salesperson speculated that the bags might be the reason why there was a compatibility issue. (As a side question, what would be the issue with the AG package, as it does not include side airbags?) Anybody out there with an AM package that was able to order this accessory?
or with the BC package for that matter. Unless it's the kinda of thing where the mirror has to be installed before the airbags??
Technically, there is compatability issue with the mirror and side/curtain airbags. The supposed issue is that at least one wire needs to be routed through the A pillar, where the curtain airbags are. If not installed correctly, the wires could physically interfere with the airbag deployment. The overhead console can supply ground and B+ for the homelink, as they are needed for domelight operation in ON position and for the map lights. However you still need ACC or Ig1 routed for the dimming function, as I don't think the harness on the non dimming mirror packages has this connection. Using B+ for dimming could prematurely drain your aux battery. If the harness already has ACC or Ig1 at the overhead even without the mirror factory installed, you're home free! Addendum: white with black stripe is ground. Red is B+, and black is Ig+. If you have a black wire in or near the overhead console, you can use that.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but Dan has so much more knowledge than the salesperson about the car that it's not even a contest. I'm still surprised that allows you to "build" a Prius with the auto-dimming accessory. If there is a compatibility issue between that accessory and all the packages that don't include the mirror, then it shouldn't be listed as an accessory on the web site or in the sales brochure. Thanks again