I was eating lunch at Sushiya at Liberty Station on Harbor Drive around 12:45ish on January 16. I came out and parked right in front, was a plum colored 2004-2009 Prius. I took a picture but do not know how to load it from my cell phone. The color is similar to the picture below, but a Prius of course
Efusco is 100% correct, the old red was darker, and did not have metal flake in it. The new red is the Barcelona Red, whick does have flake in it, and is a little lighter shade of red. It does indeed note a superior intelligence in the owner!!! Thats why I bought a Barcelona Red. She's a sweet ride!!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
It looked more on the purple side than red. I'm trying to find it but Google isn't turning up anything
FYI, All color codes on all Toyota/Lexus/Scion vehicles including 2010 Prius are shown at following site. Toyota Reference - Information and Specs for all USA Toyota, Lexus and Scion Cars That one is called "Salsa Red Pearl (3Q3)". Following picture is found at Japanese PRIUS album. Ken@Japan
You have a point there. I was thinking that myself. The perception of the color probably varies a lot based on the lighting. There's a certain shopping center nearby which uses parking lot lighting that make my Barcelona Red actually appear yellow-orange at night time (more yellow than orange). It's the strangest thing, and has caused me difficulty in locating my car on more than one occasion. btw - My Prius looks good in a yellow-orange color!