Nice. Where did you get them and how much? I see some stores has the plastic 'sticker' sheets than can be overlay on any parts that gives the look of carbon fiber, but not sure if they will look nice on un-even surfaces.
It is a over lay cover on top of your stock grill, I made it myself. I don't know to price yet. But I will make more for people who interested in.
Looks sweet! You just gave me an idea. Maybe I'll do my boot spoiler, mirror caps and door handles too! Where did you purchase the CF?
I have a catalog from Fiberglass, Carbon Fiber - Fibre Glast Developments Corp. and they have everything you would need to make carbon fiber stuff.
you can find CF on ebay , just search for carbon fiber cloth. then pick up some resin, and go to work. making an overlay isn't that difficult, it's 3 basic steps- 1- cut the cloth and use resin to lay it in place, smoothing it down. 2- layer more resin, until you have a decently thick layer 3- sand smooth and use some clearcoat to bring back the shine. yeha a bit more detailed than that, but that's the basics
wow nice... and I could've sworn I just saw a prius with a CF hood drive by my office in Burbank earlier
So that's just CF-like sticker sheet to cover the original Chrome trim piece? Maybe it's more dramatic to overlay the whole hood with CF sheet instead.
The CF grille looks really cool man! I bet it would be really awesome if someone could come up with a carbon fiber hood for our beloved Prius. Just an idea. __________________ flowmaster