Do we get something like a yearly Navigation DVD update from Toyota for free? If not, Can we purchase the latest DVDs? I live in a new area that the Navigation DVD does not know about currently, but hoping it will in the future. Do we get firmware updates to our Navigation unit? How can we tell what version of the DVD and firmware version of the unit? First time with a navigation unit in car.
$265/yr for the disc from the dealer, but they can be found on ebay for less. It took me 4 years to upgrade mine and I found mine on ebay for $200 shipped. I can't swallow that every year though unless the changes I NEED are on the new disc (rare). Check the version of your disc - v8.1 is the "latest", and it's usually a year or so behind. If Google Maps (or some other Navteq source) has it this year, the DVD will likely get it next year. Given you have an '09, I'd say you have the latest. Mine doesn't have streets built within the last 9-12 months either. Beware if you get one on eBay - make sure you get a GEN5 disc (2006-2009 - GEN4 for 2004-2005) and that the version is newer than what you have. is where I bought my 8.1 DVD. I'd stuck with the 5.1 that came with my 2006, and decided it was time to upgrade.
Will there be unlimited updates to our DVD? When will Toyota stop updating the DVD? I hope for not for at least 2 more years. Need my home address on it. Is there a site for more information about these DVDs in general like what has changed and not?
You can continue to buy updates for the 2001-2003 (GEN3), so I doubt they'd stop GEN4 and GEN5 anytime soon.
Firmware updates? I still have the original disc that came with my 2004. What changes (besides the on-map ones) will I see if I order the latest DVD? Is there a list of DVD releases? Thanks!
I don't have the information for the earlier Nav systems. We will have to wait for another poster to answer your specific questions. In general the firmware changes are minor, but sometimes include new functionality. Can anyone help with specifics for 2004? Tom
I checked out the site, and I found a CD for sale for $807.26 (MSRP shown as $1,100.63). It was marked "From 12/05" and it was dated "06-08". Is this the one you purchased, or is there something else (perhaps for less money) to buy?
That $800-ish price is wrong. I believe that includes the DVD drive. As qbee says, the disc itself is about $250.
Need help here, been reading all the posts and am getting more confused. Just bought a 2004 Prius with navigation. No disc included. According to screen I have v. 3.2 Looking to upgrade but not sure what to look for, outside of going to the dealership. Where do I find out what GEN I have? What else should I be looking for? Particular part number? I know the latest version is 8.1 but would be satisfied with 7.1 but not sure what details I should be looking for or asking. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!!!!
Your v. 3.2 disc must be in the unit, or else it wouldn't function. All the data stays on the disc, and is read on the go. It isn't like a portable GPS system where the update is done by loading the contents of a disc onto flash memory in the unit. Sorry, though, I don't know enough about this to answer any of your other questions (I have my own thread going in this forum asking some other basic questions).
Ok, I must be really dumb now. Where in the vehicle? I found out it was version 3.2 by selecting it on the screen. I figured it was programmed when the car was originally sold. I am looking to update it but am trying to find out what generation I have and whether to pursue the 7.1 version or go for the 8.1 and pay the big bucks.
I believe it is under the driver's seat (at least that is what has made it into my head poking around about this, but I have a 2006, and I'm not sure if a 2004 would be in a different location). As I said, I'm a relative newbie on this as well.
Well I'll be darn. There is a box underneath my drivers seat dealing with the navigation system. Now, how do you get the disk that is in there out? I pushed the push button and nothing happened. Thanks!!
I'm not sure, but I don't think the NAV DVDs for the 06-09 will work with the 04. There is a different MFD in the 04-05 than the 06-09. If you go for the update, be sure the seller/dealer knows it's for an 04 Prius.
Thanks, that is my understanding that the 06-09 will not work with the 04. That is why I am trying to figure out what gen I have. Been told Gen 2 and Gen 4. Also trying to figure out how to get the disk installed once received. Ok, two places have told me I have a gen 4. Making progress. now to determine how to install the new disk once received. Any suggestions?
If it's like the current models.... Power the car on. Push the driver's seat all the way forwards. From the back seat, you can get at the navigation box. There should be a door on the back of it that comes off. Inside, there's a slide to eject the disc. One side will press in a bit. Push it in and slide it to the left. The disc will eject. To load the disc, push it in the slot and move the slide back to the right.