There is a well-balanced article on MSNBC today describing the pros and cons of the insight. Honda?s Insight hybrid is a fuel fanatic - MotorHead- (I looked and didn't see this particular article posted before.) Even though the title and first few sentences seem pro-Honda, I think they are just pro-value. I can't fault the author as he gives an objective, unbiased report and doesn't sound like he's pandering or making a sales pitch. There are no direct comparisons with the Prius but he implies that the Insight is like a smaller, stripped-down Prius: smaller, cheaper, less refined, but having some cool features of its own.
I don't understand/agree with My Prius does not lurch when is doing regen braking, does anyone else's? Smooth as can be. I don't agree (no surprise) with this either: The base car is expected to start around 20K. What will it cost if you add options (like cruise, wheel mounted audio controls, center console).
Sorry, I can't comment on the accuracy of the report until I drive the car myself, but I agree with bruceha_2000, what lurch?
I don't know what he meant either. Perhaps he was saying that the Prius feels like you have engine braking (or you applied the brakes) and the Insight doesn't. As far as value, I would probably agree that the Insight edges out the Prius. At $17 or $18k, the Insight offers more hybrid-gizmo bang for the buck. Stated differently, you get current hybrid tech for fewer dollars.
Nope, but (this being the Internet and all) the total absence of facts should never keep one from giving his opinion.
"...shouts driving suggestions in real time like a soccer parent on the sidelines." I really hope that can be turned off. "There are no ways to suspend this lifetime scoring, so valets and mechanics can screw up your hard-earned fuel economy score. Worse yet, there are no settings for different drivers, so look for “Ruined my lifetime fuel economy score” to march up the top ten list of divorce reasons. Hell hath no fury like a woman whose fuel economy has been ruined by an inattentive husband." I can identify with this. May I suggest Prayer and Meditation?
FWIW, here's a thread over on cleanmpg discussing the perceived pre-release pros and cons of the INSIGHT II: 2010 Insight Disappointments - CleanMPG Forums
What I think he means is this. When I bought my Prius after I had been driving a Malibu the breaking was uneven. It feels like the brakes stop working for a quick second maybe around 10-15 mph, which is really odd when the breaking is so powerful. Its just something different I had to get used to, and no it isn't a defect or problem with the car. The brakes don't work the same as a non-hybrid and it is noticeable.
Mine does. It is not noticeable when aggressively braking but under light braking the transition from regen to mechanical braking is noticeable. The peddle feel changes at 7 mph. If it has rained the day before the 7 mph change from regen to mechanical braking is accompanied by a VERY pronounced lurch and a grinding noise from the rear brakes. This is common enough that I have now made a habit of starting the day with a hard stop to clean off the rear brakes. The Insight is projected to start at $18,000 base and top out at $22,000 fully loaded with navigation. (That is for US pricing)