Hmm, I'll have to check that out. I never really noticed the color of my tires until you guys said something.
It's funny to see how different a car can look with a change of interior color. I have the grey (which I love).
here is my black touring it didnt come out as well as i hoped, but im parked at an expired meter casue i have the san jose free hybrid parking sticker i am poor, i apologize for not having the blacked out brake lights and front windows tinted, but the rear windows are limo black
Hi! I just saw your black Prius you are thinking of changing. But your cute black dog looks so perfect in you shiny black Prius! Perhaps you can dye his fur Silver Pine Mica! :der: ONLY KIDDING!!! You know what they say, black goes with everything. (BTW, to be honest, I wasn't a huge fan of the color black, but after looking at those pictures, especially with the is a classy color.)
I'M IN! I'M IN! i dont have a touring like some here, but i'm proud of my standard...................soon, very soon, you will see a transformation of my mild mannered prius into a slick, lean machine, just you wait! :horn: when my wife found out what i'm gonna do, she calls me crazy....:crazy:
Read your other thread. You are by default a MEMBER of the COOL CHICKS WITH BLACK PRIUS club. And you already have the dog! Great ears.
obligatory dog in prius pic, this is when i first got the car and in the spirit of silly attachments, the other picture is a simulation of what a toyota prius would look like with a 22 - 24 " wide lcd screen installed. i forgot the actual dimension i scaled it to, but it was somewhere in that range
My 2009 Touring Prius. Only mods so far are 10% tint all around (except windshield), personalized CA plates and a family sticker on the rear right. Still waiting for my PriusChat sticker. Thought about getting black rims but think I will pass on that one.
[/IMG] My 3 color choices when I ordered mine was Silver Pine, Red, or Black. Black was the first available..........I took it. Love it too............... I actually don't think there is that many black ones out there. Everywhere I look I see silver and grey. Black stands out!
I thought the Black Prius was so great I waited seven months to get it. I certainly hope these images get into the message
Hey, Does that mean my wife needs to apply for membership in the Black Prius Club so I don't muscle in?