I thought you said you were grown up? 18 is not grown up & your reaction shows it. & I supose you think your saving the world by driving a prius!? & you also think its fast. LOL I mean how mature can you realy be? Your 18 driving your mommys car acting like a jackass chasing down some guy & when he stops to stand up to you, YOU run away with you tail between your leggs. Ya your grown up! LOL now that is funny. My thoughts EXACTLY! That is a real mature way to think about things! It just shows that YOU are immature. Dude grow up and accept that the way you reacted to someone cutting you off was immature and stupid. & ill say it again your lucky he didnt beat your nice person. Ya thats real smart. Letts chase this guy & folow him... Oh crap he stoped and wants to beat my nice person. Ill speed away... Ya thats real mature. You should have gotted out and faced the consiquenses of your actions.
The Jeep driver could have very well come out of his Jeep carrying a gun. The Prius is not going to outrun bullets................ When my youngest was 16, he called to tell me he had an accident just down the road. I went there and arrived at the same time as the police. Seems a guy in a very expensive conversion van rear ended my son.He had turned on his high beams and got right on my son's rear bumper. My son panicked and hit his brakes to turn into a parking lot. The conversion van went about 3 feet into the back of my son's Aries station wagon. Honest to God. The van owner, who was in his 50's told the cop he got on my son's rear bumper and turned on his high beams to"teach him a lesson" because he was driving too slow! I was standing right there when he said it, and he was still mad and thought it was my son's fault. My son said he was going slow hoping the guy would pass him. Guy was charged with following too closely, and road rage. Handcuffed and taken away. Extensive damage to the van which was fairly new. My son was able to drive his car home with me following with the cop's permission because it had no rear lights and we only lived less than a mile from where it happened. The van was flatbedded away. My son got $1200 for a total loss for the Aries Wagon. Got to keep it, the insurance didn't want it. He had paid $400 for it..............
Wow, you are witty! How do you come up with those? You'd save the world a lot more if you slowed down and didn't drive like an idiot. Rob
suprises me that he didnt just hit the breaks really hard throw in into reverse and use the prius as an RTI ramp. i think i would have died laughing had i read that. funniest thing i have read in forever on JF.
You're an 18 year old. Grow a pair, if somebody cuts you off let it go, if you follow them, have some balls to confront them rather than run away you big wimp.
Thats what I was thinking he should have done. (Oh no mommy I was driving like a jackass folowing and chasing someone and they ran over YOUR car) I agree 100% smarten up or grow a pair!
Seeing how your driving your mommys car I would be willing to bet you wornt the last one to fill the tank. Sounds like you were the one being hard headed & than running away like a little:cheer2:when he was ready to stand up to you. But that is just my .02
Gee you guys are tough on an anonymous internet forum, why don't you grow up too. The kid is 18, you never did anything stupid at 18 hey? Why not go back to your ball scratching grunting Neanderthal forum now, you had your fun. Go on, act your age for a change. When you grow a little more mature, realise having a 4x4 doesn't make you a man then you might all buy hybrid cars and it will make sense that you are here on Prius Chat, till then you're all just trolls and worse than an 18 year old acting irrationally driven by hormones and testosterone. he is 18, what is your excuse? box100s, how do you hit the breaks? Is that like quickly have a rest? Like a power-nap I assume? slickQUICKprius, it took them that long to formulate a response.