LOS ANGELES — Toyota's gasoline-electric hybrid Prius sedan has become such a hit that owners are listing their used models for sale at higher prices than for a new one. A used 2004 or 2005 Toyota Prius can sell for $1,000 to $3,000 over the sticker price of a new one, Kelley Blue Book reports. The new car lists for $20,975 to $26,640, Toyota says. With the highest owner satisfaction of any 2005 model, according to an owner survey by Consumer Reports magazine, few Prius owners will part with their cars. But some will — for a price. 4/11/2005 12:55 AM By Chris Woodyard, USA TODAY
Hehe, that's CNN reporting on the USA Today article. News Recycling is all the rage it seems. Wonder if AP and Reuters will pick it up from CNN or something.
This is nothing particularly new. It's sort of how I justified dropping the cash on a new Prius, when my most expensive car before that was under $4,000 - I figured I could always sell it without loss if I hated it. I didn't hate it though.
You're advertising again. So much for the promise about that other post being the only "I sell Priuses" post from you. Think you'd like to sponsor the site?