Yes. The default behavior is to open just the driver's door. The system can also be configured to open all of the doors. Tom
Yes. I have a 2008, and I'm quite sure that the '09 would be similar. There are instructions in your owners manual
I can't remember the exact process off hand but it's best just to look it up in the owners manual or do some searching in previous threads in this and many other Prius related forums. I do remember it's done by either the lock or unlock button and the panic button on the key fob, different beeps/flashes mean different modes, 3 different modes I think and I believe it can even behave differently depending on which of the 3 SKS doors you are trying to access. Would be nice if someone has the instructions on-hand that could post it in here, it's been nearly 3 years since I've done mine... once and done.
Dogfriend, Thanks for the post! I never even thought to ask the question. But I've long found it annoying to have to open the driver's door, then hit the unlock button, just to get into the back door. It sounds like if I take option 2, I can slip my hand into the driver's side door, then open the back door... Thanks for posting the how to as well. -Aces