The Environment Report: News Story The Environment Report - Printable Transcript So I sent the following note to both the report and the 'feedback' of this University publication: Bob Wilson
Excellent. And, as I've said before, it's not up to the pedestrian to lookout for the car; it is up to the car's driver to lookout for the pedestrian. That is why the law states that the driver and not the pedestrian is responsible. It is the driver's fault. It's not about how much noise the car makes; it's about whether the car's driver is paying attention or not! Maybe we need a device that sounds a loud buzzer and sends a jolt of high voltage electricity to drivers that aren't paying attention (and with the large batteries, hybrids would be in an excellent position for this). Have you ever seen those videos of dogs with the shock collars that walk to the edge of the yard, receive a jolt, and INSTANTLY stop and turn around? Perhaps drivers would INSTANTLY put their eyes back on the road.
You know I have a real problem with that statement. I am sick and tired of looking out for the MINDLESS cattle who parade through life and parking lots, NOT paying a G'Damn bit of attention and yet when they walk into your car, all of a sudden "Oh, its the drivers fault". Wake the Frak up people, take some personal responsibility, pull yer head out yer butt and take a look around. Figure it out. Thats why I bought a set of LOUD horns, its time to wake the cattle up and move them on. Thats why they put CowCatchers on the front of locomotives, to push the stupid cattle out of the way. I would have gone that route but all the extra weight on the front end of the car just kills the MPG and doesn't help with the parallel parking game!!! Just a couple of thoughts... 73 de Pat KK6PD
When I walk in the vicinity of a moving car, I put myself in a position where the driver can't hit me even if he tries. I don't trust drivers one whit. Of course there are situations where you can't avoid some exposure, but I try to keep them to a minimum. Tom
If this goes through, I guess we need to put noise makers on all cars so that when the car is coasting and the engine is not audible a constant alarm goes off. All of this is nonsense. Stand by a residential road and listen to cars go by. About half of them make very little engine noise - in fact the loudest aspect is likely the tire noise. Then there is the other half with loud engines, loud stereos, etc. We should be fighting noise pollution, not encouraging it.
Being someone that used to walk to school everyday, and still rides his bicycle for fitness, I just want to make it clear that from a reality/survival standpoint, it is very important for pedestrians to be aware of their surroundings. My statement above was regarding the responsibility/legal matter - the legislative issue should deal not with the pedestrian but with the mindless drivers; the buzzer should be inside the car; not outside the car. BECAUSE if the buzzer was outside the car, a blind man may dodge the mindless driver, but the car could then end up plowing into something else. The blind man cannot stop that, but a buzzer inside the vehicle can. (anyone with a "prior" mindless driving accident should be required to install the electric shock device) The oil companies want the govt. to require cow bells on hybrids. And this is what they have in mind... Click for more cowbell ==> <== more cowbell .
"I got a fever...and the only prescription is more cow bell." I laugh every time that hear this skit. BUT do not give the opposition any ideas...they might use the skit to promte their agenda. Some folks may agree with them just because they like the skit.
Technically and legally, yes. But, there's no point in being 'dead right', so it's always a good idea to pay attention as if your life depended on it. Inattentive idiots are everywhere. Some of them walk, and some of them drive. That said, drivers who think they own the road are far more dangerous than pedestrians who think they own the sidewalk. Cyclists, as always, are somewhere in the middle.
Dangerous is a matter of perspective. I think I'd rather be the "own the road" guy that might hit someone than the inattentive guy that gets hit by a car while I'm texting someone as I cross the street.
The other day I was about to pass two bicyclists when I shockingly realized that they had absolutely no idea I was there. I say "shocked" because, no matter who the responsibility eventually fell on, I would not want to live with someone's injury or possible death on my conscience. I think I drive in a reasonably careful manner (although there are momenst when I have lapses, who doesn't?) but this is a situation I hadn't counted on. Should our hybrids have some sort of external warning system? I don't know, maybe (after all, how difficult would it be?). Should pedestrians be more careful and alert? Most definitely (hell, if they can give tickets for jaywalking then perhaps it is time to start writing people up for stupidity - imagine the possible revenues that could be generated). Our society has to learn how to take responsibility for itself. That means drivers, pedestrians, everyone.
#1 - they do ... it's called a horn #2 - zombie thread (and it's one of several that've already been beat to death) #3 - EV's do now come with an auto low noise device that's over-rideable #4 - Rather than legislate more and more laws, folks can always hook up their own low speed noise maker (or have your local circuit city type store do it) -if they feel they're unaware of their surroundings, and you want/need to let people know you can't pay attention ... but the real solution is to pay attention ... not make more and more noise. Studies show when too much noise is going on, it causes even more distraction than it cures.