I know this is a much more minor problem then creating your own Aux-In before they became available from the factory, but I find the Aux-In's placement inside the armrest, rather than on the dash, awkward. When your music player is connected and out of the cubby, the arm rest won't lock shut and has to be up or else weighed down and pinching the wire. Anyone have good solutions for how to use the 3.5mm cord differently? My only thought so far was to buy a bluetooth receiver to keep permanently in the aux in. The bluetooth receiver I found was the Sony Ericsson MBR-100 Bluetooth Music Receiver and costs $60 plus a charger for it. A bit better than an fm transmitter, but it requires buying and storying two extra gadgets cluttered in the car.
You could drill a small hole near the bottom of the console and route the audio cable out that way. A couple of use have mounted sirius receivers inside the console and the hole is the olny elegant way to get the antenna and control cables out of the console. The console removes with a few screws and a couple of sharp tugs in the right place. Not a big deal.
The AUX in jack can be popped out of the console and you can pop it into one of the blacks to the left of the steering wheel. I don't think that it would really help in the end though.
qbee42, the wire is thicker than an iphone headphone, but not by much - pretty standard av wire I think. Do you slip yours out any particular place, or it closes fine regardless? jelloslug, how do you pop it out? And what do you mean by "blacks to the left of the steering wheel"? Thanks! Ari
You can pop that thing out if you take the center console apart. But running cable to the left of the steering wheel area probably wouldn't solve your problem. I drilled a hole in the rear of my console and ran the cable down and out. Easy as pie.
You have to reach it from behind. You may be able to reach it after you remove the drawer in the console. I'll check on mine tonight. The "blacks" should have been "blanks"
OK so a couple of questions before I dig on my own. 1. does the console drawer just pull out I don't feel a tab. 2. If I get that drawer out can I get the Aux in out of there w/o dismantling the whole center arm rest. If i want to add a aux in jack to the blanks left of the steering wheel can I just add on a Y splice and run a second line over the the Blank. I have the Proclip mount on the left of my steering wheel. A jack at the blank would be perfect to line into the car stereo with my ipod or blackberry
If you have one of those male-to-male, I think, 3.5mm cords, the armrest WILL shut with the cable coming out, you just have to place it so it isn't in the way of the armrest locking mechanism. I usually can't bother with remembering so I just slam the damn thing down over and over until it sticks. It is really annoying that the aux port is there though; If you just casually throw something into that cubby, it could knock the cable out slightly, causing the music to sound literally half as good (or loud, whatever you might call it).
My GPS wire fits easy. I believe there is a little more room in the corner and I can still close the cover. 3.5 mm devided by 25mm ( one inch) = ~1/8 inch. You should be able to close the cover. IF it pinches, that's OK, it's a soft pinch!
1. to remove the console you need to unscrew 4 screws. two on the inside at the rear, two in the lower front (after popping off the cup holder housing - easy to do, just push the bottom part outward and up). 2. see above. I have some photos but when I tried to attach them I got some security errors. Not sure what's going on there. (Did send admin a PM asking but no answer yet). 3. the Aux has a white connector in the back. I'd guess that if you know which pin does what you probably can tap the right pin and do what you want. I too would love to install another Aux port in the front somewhere. If I could post the photos things might be a little clearer. Words are inadequate sometimes...
ZM thanks! Since it is a touch cold up here right now I'm going to tackle this during our next thaw. No need to snap cold brittle plastic parts. It sounds straight forward. I have wired a bunch of things of the years, but its always a challenge to get the sequence just right. I never would have looked under the cup holder. If I come up with a inovative solution I will let you know. I think my 1st option will be to swap the female jack to the left of the steering wheel blank slot and put the blank cover in the center consol.
Pull out the rear cup-holders (simple pull) and drill a hole in the back of the box from the rear, then route your cable toward the front around the side of the console, it isn't hard and won't be visible.
you can drill a hole in the bottom of the console and run the wire out of the console from there. just make sure it's far enough back to be out of the way of the drawer that opens into the bottom of the console from the front. (or just get a thinner wire) mine is in no way "thin", but the console top closes with no problem.
I can also close the lid without pinching the wire. Even the thick wire for my blackberry recharge cable is not pinched. Once the lid is closed I can easily move the wire along the edge.
There may be a way of doing this properly, but my GPS system charger cable got messed up by forcing the armrest down on it. Now I have the same problem because my new phone is also my GPS and my MP3 player. The 3.5 mm male to male cords are cheap and I'll check specifically for fitting it around the closing mechanism, but what the heck is it doing there anyway?
I have a 3.5mm extension cable (male to female) from the console Aux to the radio cubby compartment, to plug in whatever I need. To do this, I drilled a hole in the back of the cubby and run the wire down and under the carpeting, then up into the console through another drilled hole. Everything's hidden and out of the way.