I was in a car accident a month ago- someone t-boned me and ever since my car has been terrible. Since it was picked up I have had to bring it back 3 times- 1st for the check engine light and the heat not working. they said it needs to be reset- pick it up, rearview mirror falls off before I leave the place, pick it up again and within a week am stranded on the side of the road. They claim my gas gage wasn't working and I ran out of gas. They replaced the entire fuel tank system and gauge. So yesterday I picked it up after this fuel issue, drove 80 miles round trip commute today, and parked. Forgot to turn it off because I have been using my husbands car that does not have the "smart' key feature. Went to lock the door = it beeped at me to tell me i forgot to turn it off. Got back in, turned off the power, and got out and locked the doors no problem. I just went to the grocery store, so was walking by my car and hear a muted beep beep beeping. no way- couldn't be, go over to my car, try to open it- can't even get in with the keyless entry so get in with my key and the whole thing is just dead with a check engine light. I tried to turn it on, the beeping stopped, but it is sooo dead the power door locks wouldn't even work if i pressed the button from the inside when i got out. any thoughts or insight? i am sooo frustrated at having to have it back into the shop a 4th time in 16 days Since i first picked it up 'repaired' thanks 2006 Prius owner
It sounds like you need a new 12V auxiliary battery. It also sounds like the place that repaired your car did not do a good job. Who is "they": an auto body repair shop or your local Toyota dealer?
'they' is the insurance companies guaranteed repair shop. i wanted to take it to the dealer, but went with state farms guaranteed shop since the costs would be fully covered and it is lifetime guarantee for work done. I am totally kicking myself now for this... So far the damage repair total is over 10K and something isn't right. I wonder if it is the battery- maybe it got killed irreparably from the running out of gas incident. Thank you for the replY!
I'd suggest that you have the 12V battery replaced at your Toyota dealer. Regarding the check engine light and no heat, my guess is that the engine coolant system was not properly purged of air. I've noticed several posts to this effect, since many body shops don't know how to do this on Prius. Was the fuel tank, located near the rear of the car, damaged by the accident (as T-bone implies being hit on the side of the car)? If not, I am wondering why the body shop would replace it at no charge. Should you have further problems, may I suggest that you have your dealer's Prius tech diagnose the problem, rather than continue to have the body shop learn on your car. Then, if the problem is related to the accident repair damage, ask the body shop to reimburse you for work done by the dealer - since the body shop has proven that they are not competent to do Prius-specific repair work.
Yes- I was hit on the driver's side of the car (i was hit right in the front- from my drivers door to the front corner looked like the terminator). - the shop said it was damaged as a result of the collision. Apparently it was the fuel gauge more than the tank that was damaged, but they are one unit and you could not replace one without the other.