I am pondering over buying a Scangauge in order to observe water temp, charging current, engine rev, etc. However, displaying these information on the MFD screen seems to be a no-brainer. First, I wonder why Toyota did not make the OBDII readings available on the MFD? Afraid of confusing the user, or inviting negatives from too much disclosure? I put this on the Toyota buyer's survey. Second, is there a way to tweak the software to display these info? For a user, it could be hard; but for Toyota, it is just a firmware update.
There is no known way to tweak the software. All the current methods use additional hardware. The latest english CAN-VIEW requires a separate screen... However... Japan appears to have developed a highly advanced method of displaying what you may be looking for... http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/19439-japanese-version-canview.html#post238169 Too bad it doesn't work with the latest digital MFD...
ken1784, Could you tell us the dimensions of the MS-1 screen? I notice that the gauge names are in English. Any chance the set-up instructions are too? (I know, I'm really grasping at straws here!) Lastly, what does it cost. And now for the $64,000 Question: Is there any likelihood we can get one here in the USofA?
Rokeby, The MS-1 uses SONY PlayStation Portable color LCD display, so it's 4.3inch 16:9 480X272 pixels. The installation is just a plug&play to the OBD-II connector. The Japanese user's manual is located at the author's site. http://khb00465.atnifty.com/MS-1ManualVer0.6x.pdf The cost is approx 40,000 JPY. I brought two MS-1's to Prius Detroit Connections event and I left them. So, two lucky American Prius drivers can get them. But, I think you're not one of them. Ken@Japan
ken1784, Thanks for the info. I'm green with envy. If I thought I could get the user's manual reliably translated, I'd be all over you to try to get one sent... But then, cost = ~$440 USD... do you have a PayPal account?
OMG wow $442! Ack... I'm actually tempted... and you gave away (or sold) two of em! Rokeby, the manual basically tells what all the gauges do. The assembly part is fairly straight forward due to the pictures of taking apart the steering wheel in order to connect the device to the buttons on the steering wheel (optional, depending on what cable comes with it) and the OBD port.
I'm in contact with the folks working on the item below, and hopefully will get to try it out soon. Its open source software, and the adapter they have designed themselves is pretty resonable, but you would need an in car PC and a way to get the display up on the screen (lockpick?). I'm planning to just use a laptop for PHEV data collection (the purpose it was developed for) but would like to see a nice front end up on the MFD someday. Graphics are pretty rudimentary, as focus was on getting the data captured. SourceForge.net: Cantop I'll post my findings once its here and installed. Rob
The more I study the MS-1 user's manual, the more I want one. If I can find a source, I will buy one NOW. To get all the info I want to see, I've got to tediously scroll through the ScanGauge menu. It's limited to four displays, and invariably I want to see six or more things. Ok, so I can buy a second SG, which I might be forced to do. But I'd still buy a MS-1 if I could get it. I'd give the SGs to my two kids. Here's another -- as yet unsuccessful -- attempt I've made to get beyond the SG's limitations: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-modifications/56654-dashdaq-can-we-make-new-canview.html
OMG! It is exactly what I am looking for. How much does it cost to import a Prius from Japan? $1200? I heard people order BMW from Germany and ship them to US. Any idea why Toyota keep so much good stuff away from North America? Come on, it is software, and additional subroutine module does not cost anything.
Very cool indeed! Just to be clear, I don't think Toyota has anything to do with this. Its a third party product. From what I can see its really no different than CAN-View or Scan Guage, it just has enough graphics HP for a nice looking interface. Thats one things I like about the CANTOP link I posted. They've split the software into two distinct components, a server that reads the CAN data and makes it easily accessible, and a client that displays the data. They've also written it in a form that will hopefully be portable to many possible platforms. If you want to put it on an embedded PC displayed through the MFD you should be able to. If you want to put it on a UMPC or Netbook, you can. If you want to run it on a PDA or iPhone, or even better put it on an embedded PC and stream the data wirelessly to one of those devices you should be able to do that too. Since its open source, it has a lot of potential for customization. Of course a lot of that potential is as of yet unrealized, because it needs a community of developers and testers to start playing around with it. Rob
I watched Ken's MS-1 in action driving from Detroit to Chicago and it is magic. What it doesn't display you don't want to know.
Pat, by any chance are you one of the lucky two who came away with one? OK, but the MS-1 display unit I want, I can't get.
i was looking at the MS1 and the pinouts from the navigation ECU is it possible to use these pinouts to wire up to a VGA Dsub connector? to use on a laptop to input video into the MFD?
The 2004-2005 Prius MFD is 16:9 400X234 pixels, therefore it doesn't work with a standard VGA signal. Ken@Japan
Not quite, I asked ken1784 for a superMID and he delivered at PCD. If you want an MS1 get in touch with FireEngineer, he has them to sell to you on behalf of ken1784. As Ken1784 said, numbers are very limited so act now. (that is unless they are sold already)
More problematic, its interlaced ntsc RGB. Can't use regular VGA, can't use regular NTSC composite video. Depending on the video card, you may be able to match the settings with a utility like powerstrip that gives you lots of control over your output. Heres an example: Mac Prius Second problem is you need to communicate on the AVC-LAN to enable the video input. I believe thats really all the CAN-View is doing in the case above, enabling the input and passing the RGB signal through to the display. Another option would be a coastal lockpic, which I think does the same thing. Eventually I'd like to see the open source project mentioned before expanded to include AVC-LAN control, but we'll see if it ever gets there. It should be feasible based on the info below (and the fact that coastal and CAN-View have figured it out): TOYOTA Corolla MP3 Project http://perens.com/works/hobbies/ham/prius/avc-lan/avc-lan.pdf SigmaObjects inc. http://priuschat.com/forums/audio-electronics/45117-tapping-avclan-iebus.html Rob