Hi All, Gave the keys to a parking guy. I'm sure he drove the car, maybe not familiar with Prius'. Now, I cannot lock the car by pressing the button anymore. With the spare either. Any ideas if a setting was disengaged or something? Many Thanks, AZ
What button are you talking about, the one on the fob or the black button on the driver's door handle? If you mean the one on the door handle, see if the button that turns the SKS off (under the steering column) is pushed in. It should be in the out position for the SKS to work. If you mean the Lock button on the fob, make sure that ALL of the doors are closed (especially the hatch). The remote locking won't work if a door is ajar.
The OP shows that his car is a base Prius, so it shouldn't have SKS, hence no SKS button under the steering wheel. Have you tried the other fob? Does it work? You could have a dead fob battery. Tom
It would be nice to get more information with these requests. We're pretty good, but not mind readers. Tom
(Starts broken record) Maybe the 12V battery is about to die; maybe the valet killed it? That can manifest as peculiar electrical behaviour.
Interesting. About six months ago I had a similar problem with my UK spec'd T4. I suddenly couldn't lock or unlock the car and had to use the emergency key. After a few days the system miraculously started to work again and hasn't been any problem since. I checked the 12V battery at the time and all was well. I also checked the keyfob. I was truly stumped, but as it fixed itself I didn't think any more of it! Nikki.
One time something similar happened to me. I discovered that one of the doors was only partially closed. Once I closed the door all the way I was able to lock the car with the remote.
Ooh, there's a creepy thought: maybe the parking guy was rummaging around in the trunk and didn't shut the hatch completely. (That's also a good way to drain the 12V battery, because the hatch light won't shut itself off. Always lock the car when you leave it; in most cases if there's something wrong it will give a long beep of warning.)
I now have the same problem!!! No door open indicator lights, the red security light is blinking.... but the remote FOB AND the black buttons on the door handles don't work. Anybody ever come up with a way to "reset" the door locks to the default condition besides taking it to the dealer??
Have you disabled the SKS by pressing the small button under the steering wheel? That is the most common cause of this problem. Press it again to turn it back on. Tom