Does anyone know if the dvd's actually have an expiration to them. My 02 prius navigation was working fine one day and know says "unable to find data" on the screen. The dvd is installed correctly but does not read. Just wondering if it expires, so that I can buy another or could it be the reader. ?? Please help.
The reader can't read the disk. There is no expiration date. It could be the disk, or the reader. Tom
As for the software itself, no... it should not expire as it was not intended to. But the DVD is another story... Any CD/DVD media will eventually "expire" or degrade to the point where some or even all data may no longer be readable. As we know, nothing lasts forever. Typical CD/DVD media should be able to easily last approximately 5 years or greater under normal storage conditions, however that can be reduced in the more harsh conditions it would experience in a car with greatly varying temperatures and moisture so I would expect the lifetime of the DVD to be reduced under such conditions. Looking around it looks like some optical media manufacturers are now producing DVD media that is supposed to last around 100 years, so the only real question is what quality of discs does Navteq/Toyota (whever puts it on the DVD) use? If your car is less than 3 years old and under 36K miles I would go back to the dealer under warranty. If you're lucky, they might even upgrade you to a new version DVD.