This is the e-mail Melissa sent our friends and family for an update: Let me start by saying that if I ever get sick and need prayer, I am keeping this email list and sending it out to all of you. We asked, God delivered. What a difference 24 hours makes. We walked into her ICU room this evening and witnessed a miracle. She looks like a little angel sleeping. They took her off the oscillating ventilator and she is now on a regular ventilator and breathing quite well. They are going to try and start weaning her slowly. Her labs are perfectly normal. Her urine is perfect. Her lungs are perfectly clear. They took her off of some of her antibiotics as she is testing negative for any infections. The "mass/spot/whatever" that was there on the x-ray yesterday is gone. The swelling is all gone from her face, neck, chest, legs, feet, etc. The yeast/staff is almost completely gone. Just a little on her back side. She shook her head when I asked her questions, squeezed my hand and bopped her head to some music we had playing. We stood there and cried and thanked God over and over. I am so blown away at what I have witnessed today, I am having difficulty putting it into words. Please continue to pray for her as they are telling us she has several weeks of recovery ahead of her. PT is going to start working with her and helping her to get her strength back. They increased her tube feedings to help her get back on track with her nutritional status. They are keeping her lightly sedated so she doesn't try to pull anything out. My brother is on cloud 9 as she is communicating to him in nods and hand squeezes. Again, thank you for the continued prayers, balloons, cards, tubs of items for Tristyn and Trace, etc. I will never be able to repay you for your kindness but will try if ever you need me in any way. A friend sent me a text today that said.."I quit telling God how big my storm was and started telling the storm how big my God was, and it was gone". Enough said. David & Melissa
I come late to this thread (I was out of town for a while) but I extend my best wishes to your niece. I hope she continues apace in her recovery.
Helio, Just wanted you to know I am praying for Trystyn. God is able to do "exceeding abundantly beyond all that we can ask or think." May you continue to feel His peace and presence in your life. Keep us updated.....
Update: Arterial line and central line removed today. PICC (long term IV line) inserted this morning. Weaning her of the vent and nitric oxide. Off the diuretics and potassium. She looks so good!!! In the words of two different doctors overseeing her care, "We are amazed at her recovery." Thank you all for your continued prayers! Love you all, David & Melissa
God, how I love happy endings (beginings, middles). Just keep the miracle going day by day, moment by moment and thank god for every blessing. Kids are so resilient. Hopefully in the not-so-distant-future this whole ordeal will be just a vague memory for her and the family and you'll be watching her play soccer or doing whatever it is she loves to do. She sounds like such a fighter and with such a loving, supportive family, there's no doubt in my mine that she'll come out a winner. Love and Prayers, Bonnie
David and Melissa, I continue to thank my Father for the miracle He is doing in Trystyn. Give Him the glory!! Keep us updated.............
I'm so glad to hear that. She will be running around in no time as though nothing ever happened. I love that about kids.
Sunday update: She was extubated today! Everything is progressing so quickly! Tomorrow she goes for a bone scan to continue looking for a source of the original infection. We are so very thankful and grateful for all of you who have kept us in your thoughts and prayers! We will continue to update you and I'll try to get some pics uploaded so you can all put a face to the wonderful little girl you all cared about. Love you all, David & Melissa
From one Aunt to another Aunt/Uncle: Dear David and Melissa, Hugs and warm wishes! :grouphug: Love, Aunt Bee.
Update: Tristyn has continued to make great strides! She has been off supplemental oxygen for over 48 hours and staying in the 95-100% range. We even had her in a wheelchair last night and out to the ICU lobby to see the fish tank. She is experiencing ICU psychosis and some withdrawal from the medications used to sedate her previously. That has been a bit distressing for the family members who have never witnessed that before but we are told she is doing "remarkably well" for the what she has gone through. She still is not eating, she seems to get nauseous with the methadone but she is tolerating the tube feeds well so at least she is getting adequate nutrition. More as we know it. Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement!!! David & Melissa