ask around elsewhere...the waits are almost gone most places. Pull up dealers within a 100-200 miles of you and make some calls. See who can get you one with the package you want at MSRP the soonest.
If you want one is a shorter amount of time and don't mind doing a little travelling, start emailing around to other dealers. You may even find one that has one on the lot. It is kind of odd they are still saying a year wait. There are more Prii out there to be had. ...unless demand has gone way up again with this last gas hike. The local dealer told me 18 months when I got on the list last August. I found out shortly after that from this board there were ways around that. (I wanted to wait some anyway, so I didn't chase other options right away.) I just saw about a month ago a dealer up in VA (I'm in NC) offered Prii a little off of MSRP and also the had the #4 (and my first choice of color) I'd been looking for so I went for that and got the car in three weeks. (Just picked it up last Monday )
Check around. I found two with less than 1 wk wait for MSRP. I hear many are getting lower than MSRP now.
I find it so interesting the lack of desire to sell amongst dealers. It is like they don't see other dealers as competition and that you are just going to go to them because they are the one in your region. Makes no sense. Anyway, yes, definitely, shop around. I didn't purchase from my local dealer, I purchased from a dealer over 100 miles from home because he was willing and happy to deal with me, find me the color and package I wanted, etc. There was no long wait and no pressure to purchase something off the lot. Pressure from a dealer is bad. Avoid it at all costs.
That is strange. When I asked about my Prius, I was told there will only be a 6 week wait. The last time I heard about a year wait was about a year ago when I first started looking at the Prius.