I think this is a very cool looking car, just checked out their website. In some ways it looks like a souped up Honda Insight. I also love their website and the videos that they put up about how fat america is, us needing elephant size cars and how much we compromise for style and status with our cars, etc. Very well put in their short videos. Looking forward to see what comes from them!
This is ironic, since most VWs are excessively heavy. I'm all for the idea and I'm glad to see that they have prodution plans, but if they want hybrids to be viewed as "cool" by mainstream society, then why did they make the thing look so ugly? Sorry, poor choice of words. It's not ulgy, it's "different." .
Are we looking at the same car? It's mildly reminiscent of a Scirocco, but it almost looks like the designers ran out of time when designing the rear and just slapped it together to make deadline.