Adding an amp in the back: place to ground, 12v on?

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by garypear, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. garypear

    garypear New Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    I'll be adding an 800w amp in the back hatch storage compartment. The amp has a fan so it shouldn't get too hot under there?

    Would like to know if anyone has had success finding a good location to ground the amp back there - ideally within 18" of the amp and must be a place to screw in to bare metal. Also, any tips on preventing rust if in fact a new hole needs to be drilled? I think I read spreading silicon or something?

    Also, I've been informed by someone on a car audio site that the PAC-OEM2's generation of an amp 12-v on (pursuant to it sensing audio present on any speaker wire) may or may not work.

    In case it doesn't, does anyone know a switched 12v source in the back and if not, what's the consensus on the best one to use overall? Still pin 3 (power - acc on) on back of the radio (but not pin 4 which is just "power" - and not switched?)
  2. charliep

    charliep Junior Member

    May 5, 2004
    Sunnyvale, CA
    There are a few unpainted areas were a bolt is attached. I grounded my Bazooka woofer there.