Upcoming Event in S FL - Battery Beach Burnout Hi Everyone, The Florida Electric Auto Association is hosting the 4th annual Battery Beach Burnout (batterybeach.com) in Jupiter, FL on Feb 21&22, 2009. This year’s event is going to be the largest one yet as we are expanding our focus from electric vehicles and including Hybrids and Plug-in Hybrids this year as well. We are expecting huge participation from spectators and participants. The 2 day event will feature electric, hybrid and plug-in hybrids in acceleration testing, autocross and other events. There is also going to be a ride and drive event to give people the chance to actually drive the vehicles there on site. There should be between 80-100 vehicles on display. Sunday is going to be the Autocross. Hybrids are about efficiency and fuel economy, right? True, but they are a lot of fun to drive as well! The Prius may look like a bulky car, but it handles very well on the track. Take a look at a video of my Prius on a course last year: Do a YouTube search for "autocross prius" - it should be the first result - a black '07 Prius. The event is going to be lots of fun, be sure to register on the link above.
Awesome! I'll mark my calendar and hopefully will be free that weekend (if the band isn't playing out that weekend) so I can drive down from Tampa.
If anyone is planning on attending, please be sure to register online: Florida Electric Auto Association - BBB Registration Little nervous about entering you Prius in an event like this? Check out the video on YouTube: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V-bBgNWXfI]YouTube - Autocross Prius[/ame] This is going to be a fantastic event...