Can a dealship turn off my OBDII, the reason I'm asking is that my scansauge use to work before I had all the engine problems ? When I got my car back, they told me not to plug any thing into the OBDII at all. When I got it home, I pluged it back in and the scansauge would not read any thing. It just keeps trying to connect . Is there any way to check if it is working and sending info down to the OBDII plug ?
Right off the bat I want to say that the OBDII port shouldn't be disable-able because that would really screw up emissions testing. Since I'm not a techie, that's the extent of my thought.
The dealer cannot disable the OBD-II port. I'd suggest that you carefully examine the plug of your Scan Gauge and see if there are damaged or bent pins.
I just had a look at the large plug, on one row of pins, the 4 and 5th pins are longer than the others, is this normal ? After not been able to connect, I had sent the unit back to LLC and they upgrade to version 3.16. Is there some thing that first needs to be selected ?
Ok another thing that I is that the version is 3.16. Has I recall the only one that would work with the Prius was version 3.15 . Is this correct ?