Do you folks who are getting over 400 miles on a tank regularly drive beyond the last lit square on your fuel guages? If so, do you multiply the MFD mileage readout by ten to compute approximately how far you can go, i.e., how far beyond that last lit square? I hit the last square at about 375 miles, after which HUMU will only take about 8 or 8.5 gallons. I've been afraid to run it beyond that last square. Bob p.s. I know it doesn't matter how often I put gas in; my total cost will be the same, but it would be handier to not have to stop as often.
Short answer, yes. Long answer, I strictly go off of previous fill x current tank computer mpg. So, right now I'm lucky enough to be averaging 58 MPG on 180 miles thus far, and I filled 11.5 gallons last time. So, as of right now, I plan that my maximum driving distance will be 58 MPG x 11.5 gal = 667 miles. In your case, you said you get about 375 miles then fill up, usually 8-8.5 gallons. If your consumption screen shows say, 52mpg, you should be able to drive at least 416 miles, one would think. I don't go to the absolute limit, but as close as possible. For example with my current tank, my max is 667miles, but if you figure 58mpg x 11 gal = 638 miles, which means if I continue I'll fill up between those two numbers, preferrably closer to the second number. Another key ingredient in this 'solution' I have used for the past 8 months without running out of fuel is that if I filled 11.5 gallons last time, and when I get to the gas station, say I know (according to the display) that I've used 11 gallons exactly - I will fill slowly until I hit 11 gallons. If towards the end it just won't get to 11, then I'll accept a small loss. The hardest part is breaking yourself of the fear of the blinking bar. Going strictly by the computer and the pump numbers, I have yet to encounter a problem. In my experience, the last bar starts blinking about 1 gallon short of what I last filled (so if say I got in 11 gallons on the last fill up, after 10 gallons have been consumed the last bar will start to blink) - this means I usually get about 40-60 miles with the last bar blinking before I refuel. Hope this helps! -m.
I'm sorry, I don't see the relevance of limiting yourself to the previous fill quantity in your tank. Setting small purchases aside for the moment (the gas gauge won't reset unless you put in a few gallons), I know I always tend to fill up when there are about three (!) bars, hence I purchase about 8 gallons, as I have posted in the Fuel Economy threads. (Each fill covers 350 to 400 miles, at this point, to answer the original question.) I'm reasonably sure I could use more than 8 gallons (up to a point) any time I wish.
I'm suggesting limiting once you get to the point I'm at - filling 10-11 gallons in the tank regularly. To get to that point, anyone has to unfortunately take the chance of running out of fuel because of the unknown amount of 'spare' gas remaining in the tank. -m.
I'm now riding around with 3 bars left after the fuel tank TSB changed out my gauge and filler, and since I reset the car a couple of times for window issues I have no idea how far I should go past the first blink. Back in the day, I had between 50 and 120 miles left to go for 10x my current MPG value when it blinked. Now I guess I should quickly stop for gas when it blinks so I can get an idea of what that will take, and hope that it's not too late or something...
Due to the Bladder that the Prius has your total max range is always a crap shoot. depending upon how you fill up the tank and temperature and altitude and position of Pluto your max gallons vary. I've had a theoretical 13 gallons in the Prius at one time and then another time I ran out of gas but only took 10.9 gallons on the fill-up. Now I put the nozzle in the same way each time and set the pump for the automatic lever holder to the same level and when the pump clicks, no more gas. This at least takes out some of the potential discrepancies in fueling. You usually have at least one full gallon after the bar starts blinking. Use the MFD read-out for MPG to calculate how far you can go. I average about 47 MPG, a lot of early morning late night high speed freeway driving, and have never run out using the one gallon rule, only when I try to push it. If you go farther than the one gallon rule its no biggie if you run out of gas IF, and this is important, you make sure there is a gas station within 3 miles of you at all times. This is how far you can generally go without hurting the SOC on the battery.
I always fill at the last bar, flashing or nonflashing. I average 450 to 550 miles on a tank. I fill slow and do not top off, other than to round up a few cents. I average 10.0 gal per fueling. This makes it easier to confrirm mpg. I have followed this protocol consistently since obtaining the vehicle in late October 2004 CE. As with many other Prii owners, I keep detailed track on a spreadsheet and the most recent print-out in the vehicle.
I'm currently at 333 miles with 6 bars still showing. The first bar dropped off at 200 miles. My current average is 59.1 MPG. My last tank was 654 miles at 58.9 MPG The last bar started flashing at 580 miles. I just drive till the current average times 11 or 11.5 point. If I'm going for a record I wait till current average times 12 or more. I fill at least a gallon past the click off.
There are some interesting observations here. I myself have the same quandry at the moment. I just picked up a used '02 Prius. On my way to work this morning it dropped down to one bar and started flashing at 420miles. My MFD shows that I'm averaging 49.7MPG average so far. I'd assume if that were true that I'd be able to go another 70 miles, or at least the 30 mile trip home w/o filling up, but don't think I'm going to chance it this time at least until I get a bit more confortable with it. I'm guessing this may have something to do with the fact that after I bought the car on Saturday not knowing the at least 3 gallons rule. I put 1.5 gallons in it. Does that mean that the fuel gauge really doesn't know that I have this gas in the tank and I really can go further?
I refuel at the point I can use my local gas station and know for certain that my commute will get me back home. Therefore I am usually showing 2 bars when I fillup. It usually takes around 8½ to 9 gallons. On trips I will go until the last bar; i've never seen the bar blink so I feel comfortable that I can reach the next gas station. Anyone have a small gas can in the back "just in case"? I'm thinking of getting one and pushing the envelop.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Bob Allen\";p=\"79460)</div> I just got my first 500+ Miles per Tank, right after it hit the last square of fuel. I supposed by my rough calculation, I can squeeze in at least 60 more miles on the remaining fuel. However, that's over daily commute drive. If I'm driving down to San Diego, I'll gas up when it hits the last square.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Ray Moore\";p=\"79522)</div> My issue with the fuel consumption rate is that my first 150 miles will hardly dent the first square of the fuel. The rest of the fuel consumption seem to go much faster.
The speed at which the bars drop off after the first one is a mental game that ALL fuel gages perform. You see, auto manufactures don't want you running out of gas, its usually bad for a number of reasons, so in the beginning they make it seem like you get a lot of miles before the gauge drops, this also has the effect of deceiving yo into thinking that the car is getting much better fuel economy than it really is, then nearer the bottom the bars or needle speeds up so you that you get this panicky feeling like "whoah almost out of gas and its really dropping fast now". Plus there is usually a little gas 'below' E in each tank. So the perception of the speeding up dropping fuel gauge is correct, but you don't use fuel any more rapidly nearer the bottom of the tank.
I try to fill up when I am at the last bar sometimes because of things that need to get done I go till it blinks but not often. I generally get 430 to 470 miles on a tank and full up at around 8.5 gallons. I guess if I thought I was going to have a 600 mi tank I might be tempted to push it.