Yes, I slam SUV's

Discussion in 'Fred's House of Pancakes' started by daniel, Mar 16, 2004.

  1. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Hey folks, let's get a vehicle that's so wide that most drivers cannot keep it inside a given traffic lane, is so high it's more prone to roll-overs, and has bumpers so high that it becomes lethal in a crash with an ordinary car. Let's make sure it has a capacity of 6 or 8 people, but only ever drive it with one or, occasionally, two. Make it AWD because that's really needed on city streets. And of course plenty heavy to maximize gas consumption and further increase its lethality in crashes, and big enough to obstruct the vision of drivers all around it.

    If I ever see an SUV with 5 or 6 people in it, I'll say, there's someone who has a use for a large vehicle; and when I see a steep unpaved driveway, I say, there's someone who has a use for AWD.

    Until then, yeah, I slam SUV's. Once in a while I see a regular car drifting out of its lane. But I see SUV's doing it every time I'm on the road, and it scares the hooey out of me! That's the main reason I hate them so much. Too many of the people who drive them just are not able to drive them safely. And I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that most of those folks never even realize they're doing it.
  2. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    Yes. There was this car that existed for larger families back before the days of the SUV, it was a station wagon. Why can't people drive those instead of SUVs? "Cause I need the space"? Then get a truck.

    And I have yet to meet an SUV driver who can PARK at any store without having to back in and out two or three times. Of course, now it doesn't bother me nearly as much, since I'm not wasting gas as they try not to hit other cars.

    But I do get a kick out of them driving behind me, getting angry, punching it to pass me, then me kicking in that ICE and blowing them away. Oh yeah, and doing so probably 1000x more efficently than they are! :)

  3. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    Guys, please don't test the authority of our moderators - they work hard to keep this forum clean, organized, and fun for all to enjoy. This discussion is allowed in OT and OT ONLY because a SUV bash-fest has no basis for discussion on the Prius itself.

    I've moved your thread to Off Topic and will reiterate that I stand by the idea that SUV bashing or any "it's not a Prius so it's not cool" bashing is for OT only.

    And now, discuss :)
  4. twindad

    twindad New Member

    Feb 17, 2004
    Lake Forest, CA
    Some local DJs did a commercial parody for the new "Ford Continent" SUV. It was a few years ago & I've forgotten most of it, but I thought the name was a clever jab at the size of these machines.

    ...just wanna lighten things up.
  5. Bob Allen

    Bob Allen Captainbaba

    Jan 16, 2004
    Seattle, WA
    2004 Prius
    I agree that slamming SUV's on this chatline doesn't help anyone. I'm uncomfortable with the smug environmentally holier than thou attitude I've seen expressed on this chatline.
    Some folks need large cars or cannot find what they need among hybrids or TDI's or whatever. Some people simply cannot afford these machines.
    The self righteous attitude reminds me of the judgemental attitude many people in this country have towards overweight people, or poor people.
    We don't advance environmental awareness by insulting people.
  6. Jerry P

    Jerry P Member

    Dec 5, 2003
    Waterford, PA
    2021 Prius
    XLE AWD-e
    Getting worked up over someone else's SUV is a waste of time - you're not going to change their mind. I don't care for them but try to adhere to the rule of 'Think Globally - Act Individually' when it comes to these issues. The goal of the automakers, and I think Toyota realizes this, should be to offer vehicles in the style people prefer with the best, cleanest technology possible. The Hybrid Highlander will be the big test of that idea, and I think it will have longer waiting lists than the Prius.
    When you get irritated by a big SUV hogging the road just remember that YOU, in your ulta-clean, ultra-efficient Prius, are doing your part to make the world a little better. It is all you have control over.
  7. Wolfman

    Wolfman New Member

    Nov 28, 2003
    Williston, ND.
    Other Hybrid

    Daniel, we cease being a free country when we start to allow a group of people decide for us what we should or should not be driving, or doing. Personally, I don't want to live in a place where people start deciding for me what they think I do or don't need.

    My attitude is this. It's their money, and they make the payment. They pay for the fuel, and for the insurance. Many people drive these things because the old body on frame station wagon is extinct. People used to tow things with those old wagons. Modern unibody car wagons lack the structural capacity to be used as a tow vehicle. Just because all you see is them commuting to and from work in the thing, doesn't mean that they don't have the goods at home that require that SUV to tow or haul it. Not many people want to have a vehicle for each purpose. I was registering, maintaining, and insuring FOUR vehicles less than six months ago - and I'm single. Even now, I could be saving a ton of money by only keeping and operating my truck - getting rid of the payment for the Prius. This is despite the fact that my truck will only pull 21 mpg while performing commuter duty. I choose to have multiple vehicles, as I don't particularly like being forced to drive that truck everywhere I go. Not everybody wants to do this.

    Even if their sole purpose to buy the vehicle is because they thought it was cool. Again, that's their choice. You don't have to like it, but that's just the way the world turns. Personally, I'd much rather worry about my own life, than get all worked up over the purchase made by another person that I have never met.

    Here's something to keep in mind. The benchmark for emissions statistics is based on 1960's vehicles, as they were the last ones made that did not have any emissions equipment whatsoever installed on them. That SUV is 99.6% cleaner than 1960's vehicles. Those SULEV and PZEV ratings only deals with the percentage of that decimal point of emissions still coming out of the typical car tailpipe. While those cute little acronyms make for warm fuzzy feelings for some, the reality is that they only deal with fractions of a fraction.
  8. Medved

    Medved New Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Willowick, Oh
    I purchased my 4Runner for a number of reason, as I am sure anyone who chooses any vehicle does.

    I use my personal vehicle also for work, I am a Network Administrator for a Bank, and I haul quite a few computers at a time.

    I also had a large dog . . . Gus, however he is no longer with me. It was very convient to fold down the seats and haul him in the back as well. My old Celica Hatchback was not as easy to haul him in. As he got older, the large flat surface made his ride more enjoyable for him, and safer for me since he was not always jumping around on seats.

    I also haul a trailer for my Radio Contol Car Club on weekends. Being an Officer of the club, the responsiblity of hauling it fell upon me and my brother. My 4Runner has been up to every task I ask of it.

    I've also used it on many occastions to help move friends, and haul lumber, drywall, and other material for home remodling projects. I was able to EASILY haul 10 - 14 sheets of drywall at a time.

    I also live in the Snow belt in Cleveland, even today we got pounded with the white stuff. My 4 wheel drive came in handy today.

    My fiance' and I will be getting the Highlander Hybrid when it comes out. This is a win - win situation for me. I will still have all of the functions of a SUV, but with better milage.

    I have never had any problem getting into or out of a parking space. I use to have a 63 pontiac catalina, which was in my opinion a much larger car, both wider and longer than any ohter car I have had. As far as keeping it between the lines, I don't have a problem with that either. I see just as many speeders, wevers, and just plain reckless drivers in cars, motorcycles, and trucks. I try to keep my distance from these people.

    It is up to you to own, what ever car you like.

    Perhaps you consider me the exception to the main stream SUV owner, maybe not. Wether that is the case or not, General comments are easy to make, and can be made about anyone with out any thought. I am giving my opinion based on personal experience and my requirements of ONE vehicle.

    Anyway, I hope to be constructive and educational in regards to my post. I think it is great that some people, including my self, are purchasing the Prius for many different reasons, fuel economy, environmental reasons, personal reasons, techno reasons.

    I see the Prius as a step in the evolution of automobiles. Toyota's efforts to improve and change the way we move, will make them a leader in the industry.

    Enjoy what ever ride you choose!

    :p Peter
  9. daniel

    daniel Cat Lovers Against the Bomb

    Feb 25, 2004
    Spokane, WA
    2004 Prius
    Sure, folks have a right to drive SUVs. And I have a right to make fun of them. I think we know that most people who use SUVs do not need their functionality.

    However, I do wish the state would only issue drivers licenses to people who can demonstrate an ability to properly drive their cars. This applies to everyone, whatever car they drive.

    And Danny, I apologize if I posted in the wrong forum. I merely posted in the same forum as the post I was replying to.
  10. Medved

    Medved New Member

    Mar 15, 2004
    Willowick, Oh
    The best part of life is to be able to make fun of yourself. :p I think sometimes the whole PC thing (Politically Correct) gets to me. Everyone seems always seems uptight. Or afraid to say what they feel. If you think SUV's are silly, then more power to ya brother! As long as your arguments are resonalble, and logical, I can agree to disagree!

    I've decided to join this forum because I think this by far is the best forum I have been at. As I said, I was just venting, from all of the other comments made at other forums.

    I agree, there are many people who don't need an SUV, just as many who don't need a Cadiliac or Hummer!

    I think the funniest part of the whole thing, is when I bought the 4Runner, it is actually listed as a Station Wagon on the Sticker! :)

    I sill wish my Prius would get here! I can't wait to drive it.
  11. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    No problem, I think we all need to pay more attention to where we're posting things - I've had to move quite a few things lately.
  12. riskable

    riskable Junior Member

    Jan 23, 2004
    Jacksonville, FL
    Honestly people, rather than bash current SUV owners, we should work on solving the problems associated with SUVs (and their owners).

    First of all, there are many undisputable facts about today's SUVs:

    1. They consume too much gas.
    2. They produce too much emissions.
    3. Their capacity is far greater than their owners needs.
    4. They are a danger to normal cars.
    4a. Too-high bumpers.
    4b. Too heavy.
    5. They have a high center of gravity which increases rollovers (note: rollover == death in most cases).
    6. They're too big and impair visibility to normal drivers.

    Now for another fact: We can solve all these problems without having to ban SUV sales. I'll break down each potential fix:

    1. Gas consumption can be greatly improved by reducing vehicle weight and implementing hybrid systems (we're already moving down this path). Federal regulation can be adjusted so that SUVs don't fall under the "light truck" specification. Also possibly implementing a more strict "gas guzzler tax".

    2. As per the previous suggestion, emissions can be reduced with hybrid technology and adjusting federal regulation so that SUVs aren't classified as "light trucks".

    3. Owners of overly large SUVs can be required to stop at weigh stations like other trucks. Also, SUV owners should be required to have trucker's licenses and trucker's insurance since their vehicles are similarly unsafe to other drivers. Example: Truckers who are found negligant in an accident can and will be criminally charged. Example of a trucker's criminal negligance: Driving 10 miles over a speed limit.

    4. Safety regulations can be put in place requiring SUVs to be manufactured with lower bumpers (already in progress). Also, vehicle wieght can be dramatically reduced by removing AWD mechanisms and gigantic engines. If an owner wants to take their SUV off roading, they can put a lift kit on themselves!

    5. Rollover rates are currently under heavy investigation Federally. By reducing the height of SUVs (as per #4), the risk is greatly reduced. The are other engineering factors and standards that can be put into place to also greatly reduce this risk.

    6. Reducing bumber height, lift, and width of the vehicles, many improvements can be made in this regard. However, they will never take effect unless they're Federally instituted.

    A good example of an SUV that implements a lot of these solutions is the Nissan Murano. Throw a Toyota HSD in one of them and you've got an environmentally friendly SUV with lots of room, lowered bumpers, low center of gravity, reduced weight, and still plenty of SUV-appeal.
  13. rflagg

    rflagg Member

    Jan 5, 2004
    Springfield, VA
    Agreed, riskable.

    The Murano is (and I shudder at the thought) one of the first 'crossover' car/SUVs that I like. Tastefully done, and not monsterously huge.

  14. Danny

    Danny Admin/Founder
    Staff Member

    Nov 24, 2003
    Charlotte, NC
    2013 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
  15. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    Can't say I'm too fond of the huge rear corner blind spots!
  16. bruceha_2000

    bruceha_2000 Senior Member

    Jan 2, 2004
    Northwest VT
    2018 Prius Prime
    Prime Advanced
    I agree with a lot of what is said here. I'm especially looking forward to laws that require all bumpers to be the same height. My vehicle shouldn't be destroyed because yours can clear the 2 foot high boulders we see all over the highway :p I know a family with a Ford Excursion that have NO need for it. 4 people, don't carry a lot of gear, tow nothing, all roads paved. Had to put runnning boards on it so the wife could climb in. Nice people none the less :) My sister and her family have a Suburban aka The Behemouth ( must be loving those > $2/gallon prices in So Cal about now). Again 4 people in the family, car spends most of its time with short commutes. But, there is also the 26' camping trailer. Can't exactly pop one of those on a Prius! It would be great if we could all own effecient cars and rent the trailer haulers when needed for an affordable price ( maybe one can??). Certainly even if I had the finances to have a car for every purpose, I have nowhere to park them all :)