First, I'd like to thank 'Boo' cause I recall he mentioned others have inverted their mirrors to move them up out of line of sight. Inverting the mirror worked! Moved the mirror bottm up maybe an inch. I've got the sightline under the mirror I need when driving. When I see a car or pedestrian on a sidewalk, I must be able to see them when driving past. With the mirror rightside up, with the stalk pushed all the way up (there are 2 joints), cars and people were blocked by the mirror when driving by. For tall people, normally would adjust seat bottom down with electric or mechanical means to sit as average height folks do in the car. If listening Toyota, I still think you ought to fire the person(s) responsible for missing this on the 2nd gen car. Anyrate, was first hesitant to invert the mirror, but thanks again Boo. Any other tall folks with mirror in your way, flip it over. Just be careful with the wire connected to the mirror as you turn it over.
It also positions the sensor better for auto-dimming, and for taller drivers places the rear window divider right over the following car's headlamps, further reducing glare.
I flipped mine a couple of years ago. Its the best "free" mod since getting rid of the useless wheel trim rings!
Those are the reasons I inverted mine, and the improvement in forward visibility was welcome. Unfortunately, for me, this mod did not improve the auto-dimming function (it rarely works for me, although I've tested the mirror and it is functioning), so I just tilt the mirror down at night when anyone's behind me (I prefer to look forward while driving!) However, the second half of your comment may be the source of my problem! I live in a remote rural area and am never in a situation where a vehicle is riding so close behind me that the headlamps are obscured by the window divider. If they get that close, they just pass me and get on with life. Perhaps if I had more traffic close on my tail the auto-dimming would be useful? I hope I never find out!
Unfortunately following SUV and truck headlights are still square on in the mirror. I heard about this 'mod' a few years back and yep, it is a good one. Just make sure you rotate it the proper direction since the wire will pull if you go the opposite way.
Someone please help dominicsavio and myself......we need to adjust the auto dimming mirror but don't want to damage!!
I don't know how you were inverted, No one alerted you... -G. Harrison I rotated mine counter clockwise I believe. Didn't know about the danger to the wiring or anything, just seemed like the natural way to do it. It's been working fine for two years. With an inverted mirror it's much more ergonomic to press and hold the homelink button with the index finger on top and thumb on the bottom. That's what I like most about this mod since I practically use it everyday.
Zen, I rotated the mirror as suggested. Will comment on its effectiveness that way when I drive at night. Thanks again for the comment!!