Picked up my M. Silver Pkg 6 Prius this afternoon- WOW! Thanks for all the info I've found here. Just one question- how do I wipe the smile off my face?? Gregg.
Congratulations. I know how you feel. I just got mine on Saturday. Still learning about it. :mrgreen: As far as the smile, I was able to get mine off with a brillo pad. :|
It's been seven weeks for us, so we're not smiling ALL the time. Now it's only when I pass a gas station and look at the prices. Congratulations!!!
I've had Priapus since mid-Aug, '04 and haven't stopped smilin' yet. It's only made worse when people ask how I like my Prius or how much MPG I get. And of course I wave to the SUVs I see at the gas stations. They never seem to wave back. Go figure. Oh what a feeling indeed.
What made me smile most was a guy pulling up beside me as I was washing my Prius in a huge, almost new truck asking how I liked my hybrid and telling me he was thinking of getting one because gas proces are so high. Then 5 minutes after he left a guy walked by and said 'hey, nice Prius!" 8) That just makes me swell with pride at my new little toy.
<<Just one question- how do I wipe the smile off my face?? >> Only 1 way I know of - drive any other car. It will disappear immediately. Of course, as soon as you get in your Prius again, the smile's back!
As a matter of fact... I think it would have fit, but no. Guess I didn't word that so great. Let's try this with better English. "I was washing my Prius when a guy in a huge nearly new truck pulled up behind me." That's what I get for using most of my writing skills on technical, non-conversational things. :roll:
I figured you were. You can usually catch me making some weird random error though. Wonder if I really could have fit my car in the back of his truck though? It was massive but maybe not wide enough. Haha
I'll be going in for my 35,000 mile oil change this week. I'm getting 50-51 mpg. The only complaint I have is about a small intermittent rattle in the dashboard. Still smiling!
My smile turns to a frown when I realise that I have to park it at the end of the day or when I have to be at work and can't drive. This car is awesome. I just got my salsa red/#6 this past Saturday. It tells me that I am averaging 45 mpg. I just need to have bodyside molding put on. Anyone know a shop in Los Angeles?
Since P* Pkg# 2 Silver is driven by wife, I got my first driving opportunity on the trip back from Woodbridge on Sunday late afternoon. The silver phoenix is still training me to drive it. I like floating along in the silence. My personal name for it is in Kiswahili from "pillar of fire by night and pillar of (silver) cloud by day" -- "ya moto na ya wingu" Pretty name, is it not?
I got my Tidewater Pearl on March 24, and still have not been to the gas station yet. Need to sell my old van so I can drive the Prius full time. By the way, were does the name Prius come from?
Tomorrow will be 1 month. I'm still smiling. What helps are the little things. For example, this afternoon I plan on filling up for the 2nd time. A little thing from yesterday was on my way home from work, I pulled up to the stop light where I make a left into my neighborhood. Of course, the car did it's "silent" thing. Being a nice day, I decided to lower the window. I was absolutely shocked by the instant radiant effect I felt from the sun. I knew the windows were UV blocking to keep the interior cooler, but I've never experienced a similar effect in any other car! That made me smile yesterday. It's all good.