Adding RS3200 / GBS

Discussion in 'Gen 2 Prius Audio and Electronics' started by garypear, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. TucsonPrius

    TucsonPrius Member

    Mar 9, 2004
    Tucson, AZ
    2020 Prius
    About the GBS/Yellow wire business: The instructions for adding just the GBS do *not* mention the yellow wire. (Perhaps it is assumed that it has been removed during the activation of the RS3200). It is only mentioned in the instructions for activating the RS3200 and installing the GBS at the same time.

    Just a (very) wild guess, perhaps the removal prevents the ECU from being reset after the battery is disconnected/reconnected? After all, the reverse beeping gets reset under these conditions.

    Kyle, after the quote that I got from the dealer for activating the RS3200, it looks like it might be cheaper to fly you down to Tucson activate mine. ;)

  2. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    ... or for you to take a trip up there! Get some sites in while you are at it.

    GBS only install doesn't require DOR setting, there is a separate setting to activate GBS sense.
  3. Kyle Pehrson

    Kyle Pehrson Member

    Feb 21, 2005
    S.L.C. Utah
    I would hope that if you get a chance to come up that you stop in and say hi. Maybe I could show you around.
  4. driveprius

    driveprius New Member

    Oct 30, 2005
    I'm debating whether to try and get my alarm activated or to go pay a 3rd party to install alarm. Although activating my alarm may seem easier, I already had one bad experienced with one Toyota dealer botching up the alarm install, concluding it's impossible to do and then refunding my money. So if I decide to go thru this again I'm curious about one feature of the alarm. The autolocking feature.

    Supposedly if you're windows are down and someone reaches in to unlock the door, the doors will lock immediately. So what if this scenario occurs. A would-be thief sees my windows are rolled up. He smashes the window in the alarm goes off and he reaches in to unlock the door. Will the door continue to relock itself. Since you describe having this alarm, what happens when you try to unlock the door manually (with FOB kept far away) are you able to coax the door to open by quickly unlocking and opening the door before it relocks. This is important to know because if a thief were to bust a window, this locking feature will force them to have to climb through the busted window instead of opening the door. The effort to climb through the window will require them to spend more time busting the window so that they won't get cut climibing thru. That extra effort could be enought to deter them from grabbing shopping bags for example.
  5. DanMan32

    DanMan32 Senior Member

    Aug 27, 2004
    Tampa Bay, FL
    If the alarm goes off (horn blaring), it will foribly relock itself. This is to foil attempts to open the door by jimmying the lock. Only unlocking the doors by electric means (SKS or remote) or using the mechanical key will unlock the door and shut off the alarm. If you force the door handle open, overpowering the car's attempt to relock, then you can open the door.

    So, if you were sitting in the car, SKS off, car powered off, opened and closed the driver door, the alarm would arm. Attempts to get out of the car would set off the alarm, and attempt to keep you in the car since the car would be trying to keep the door closed and locked.

    If you don't have GBS, smashing the window won't set off the alarm, but trying to open the door by the handle would.

    I had found out quite a bit about the RS3200 since my february post that you quoted. All the RS3200 is is the GBS with instructions on turning the already existing alarm on. Kyle had confirmed this. See Suppressing all beeps.