I got my DICE Silverline today and I figured I'd pass along my experiences. I installed it in the 2004 Prius that has a basic stereo, no nav, and a dealer installed cd changer (behind the little door under the stereo). My "going in" goal was to have a way to hook my iPhone up to the stereo without having to use an FM modulator (which I've been doing with OK results). The DICE was definitely more than I wanted going in, but after getting it all hooked up, I'm glad I went ahead and got it. To accomplish the install I went ahead and just took the dash apart. I've had to take the MFD out on a few occasions so I was all too familiar with the process and figured it would be easiest. Since I don't use the cd changer at all I decided to go ahead and pull it out, although the DICE came with a "Y" connector that looksk like it would allow me to keep the cd changer (or possibly a Sirius) hooked up and be able to use both. I can't comment on whether that works since I didn't use it. Once I buttoned everything back up I hooked up my iPhone and everything worked as advertised. I set up the DICE dip switches to the Satellite/Locked mode. The one thing that was driving me crazy using the locked mode though was that the Artist and Track info was scrolling on the MFD. It was annoying so I decided to use the Satellite/iPod mode. This mode still allows MFD/steering wheel control, but doesn't show track info on the MFD. I did come across another excellent reason to keep the DICE set to the iPod setting...you can listen to everything else your iPhone does including Pandora. This is a huge bonus as far as I'm concerned. Pandora is one of the things I like best about the iPhone. The other thing I liked about the DICE was the extra aux in port. I used that to hook in my Sirius S50. I had been using FM modulation and that was OK, but the aux in port definitely delivers better sound. It also allows you to tweak the gain, bass, mid range, and highs for the device hooked into the aux in port. This allowed me to improve on the Sirius performance. iPhone 3G charging works with no issues. The only thing I didn't like was the display on the MFD. It's not real pretty, and a little odd to figure out at first. But it's light years ahead of where I was and I think it was a good investment of just over $140. As an aisde...does anyone know where I can get the little "box" that goes behind the door below the stereo? Since I took out the cd changer I just have a big hole there now. It's not a big deal, but if I could get one it would be nice.
When you say the Artist & Track info scroll, does it scroll horizontally or vertically? Also, have you tried playing any video on your iPhone while hooked up to the DICE?
It scrolls horizontally. When it scrolls it seems to flash rather than just roll across the screen. That flashing is very distracting. When playing a video no video shows on the MFD but you can hear the audio. You'd have to set the DICE in iPod mode (rather than locked) to make this happen. It will play a telephone conversation through the stereo as well. I did this to see if it could function as a kind of hands free option. You can hear what's coming from the other end very well, but you have to talk loud enough for the phone's mic to pick you up. It's OK, but a bluetooth connection is better.
From your description it appears the scrolling is an intentional feature designed to overcome the MFD's very limited number of characters that can be displayed for song titles and such. But sounds like the cure is worse than the disease in this case. Perhaps allowing the user to set a refresh rate (i.e. Slow, Medium, Fast, None) would work better. As for video, do you mean that when you set to iPod mode the audio is sent to the car speakers? (Of course we don't expect any video output to the MFD).
All the audio from the iPhone goes to the speakers from what I've seen so far when using iPod mode. No video (agreed...no expectation of it anyways). As far as the scrolling, my wife has the "behind the dash" Sirius radio/receiver deal (the TOY SCC1???) in her 08. It has a setting to allow for scrolling text or stationary text. We just use the stationary text since A. you pretty much get the idea of what's up there for most songs/artists (one exception would be a band featuring someone...you usually don't get that much info), and B. the scrolling was a little distracting there too...but not nearly as much as the DICE is.