Hi all! Just wanted to pop in and say hello. After a couple of months debating with my self back and forth on wether or not to buy a prius, i finally decided to do it on christmas eve. And today my local Toyota dealer arrived at my office to pick me up and drove me to the lot where I picked it up. Pretty good service, huh? I'm just so excited and happy about this new car. In my opinion it's not the most beautiful car around, but the technology and the really bald move by the manufacturer to actually develop this thing has totally got to me. Anyways, good to be a prius owner and also, let me tell all the contributors on this forum that it actually made my descision alot easier to actually go forth and buy it. I have been lurking around here for a couple of weeks and gotten tons of good tips and reassurance on that my descision was the right one So thanx.
Keep using the website. There are a lot of nifty features in the car and you'll learn a great deal from the collective experiences of the forum members.
Norway huh?, Well welcome to the group. You will find tonnes of very interesting tips and info, and a few laffs. Check in often. Enjoy the new toy!!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
Wow - Norway - is this is same car as the North American Prius? Congratulations - you will be very happy you bought this car!
Nope, EU versions of Prius are usually not the same as US ones. But they are still Prius, just with different options and package names.