Okay, I see a lot of people complaining about the JBL audio system and I will start off saying this is not that type of question. I will say it is not really a great system, but up until recently it did not drive me crazy. Starting about a week ago the front passenger side door speaker sounds like it is blown or something. There is a crackle during any type of bass at all. I know people will say I probably blew it out or something jamming too loud, but honestly I don't listen to music that loud or really at all. Most of the time I listen to books and I am not 18 year old. Not knocking anyone who likes loud music - it is just not me. I only care that I dont hear a horrible crackling blown speaker sound. Is there a check or anything I can do? If it is blown or something is off is it covered under warranty? It is an '08 and under the mileage, so I have the warranty. I don't see how I could have done anything out of the ordinary to cause this, but anything is possible. Any advice appreciated.
Absolutely it should be covered under warranty. Have a dealer pull it out and check it for cracks or other problems. Make them demonstrate that it was abuse, but that will be hard to do if only one speaker is damaged. Let us know how it goes...
yea , just go to best buy and buy a better speaker because all dealers speakers are made of paper so they just don't last long at all
thanks, i will go by the dealer and have them look at it. i mean one good thing is there is no, "well it sounds fine to me..." that can be played. the thing crackles like a bowl of cereal no matter what input comes in. i just really didnt feel like paying an arse-ton of money for a speaker on a car that is 6 months old and i did nothing to abuse it - as jpadc put it. it is only the one speaker.