I am having a bit of trouble placing a GPS navigator in my '06. I tried putting the suction cup arm directly to the right of the touchscreen display, just above the fan exhaust. I like the placement and the charging cable drops down directly to the power outlet without hanging in front of anything essential. With a bit of pressure the suction cup felt like it stuck on really well -- but after a couple of minutes it fell of. The surface is probably a bit too curved to keep the suction. I would really like to find a way to work around that -- without doing something damaging to the car interior. As a temporary solution i put the navigator unit in the center of the front window, just below the rearview mirror. But i don't like it there. Sitting in the window it blocks my view and the charging cable hangs down in front of the touchscreen display and the instrument console. Do anyone have some useful tips or tricks? Where have you put your navigators? And yes -- i would have liked to have bought a Prius with on board navigation. But i didn't. That and the bluetooth are just about the only equipment i don't have.
I have a Garmin nuvi 350, which I mount on top of the MFD. There is just enough space there for the disc w/o it interfering with the speaker. In this location, the GPS is easily reached by the driver or the passenger. If I had to do it again, I would invest in a bean bag mount. When not in use, it can be stored in the glove box or console so that there is no indication that there might be a GPS in the car.
I attach my Magellan GPS to the lower left corner of the windshield. Therefore the power cable runs on top of the steering column, on its way to the accessory power socket. The suction cup holder works pretty well on the windshield glass, once the rubber has warmed up to be flexible.
I put mine at the top of the windshield, just to the right of the rearview mirror. There you can see it as easily as glancing in the rearview mirror, and it's easy to reach. I also wired it into the 12V power at the map lights, so there's no cord hanging down to the dash.
Check out this thread which I think is the longest of the where to mount aftermarket GPS threads: http://priuschat.com/forums/prius-m...u-put-your-aftermarket-gps-in-your-prius.html Personally, I mount mine on top of the dash to the left of the MFD. I put a velcro hook square on the dash and a velcro loop square on the bottom of the plastic disc, and put the suction cup on top of the plastic disc. See photos:
Thanks for the tips! I will have a look at the thread suggested. I have considered hardwireing the power, but in my Navigon 7210 the TMC antenna is in the charger cord. Would be nice to keep that.
If you have the disk or purchase one you can mount your GPD to the side of the MFD. Just a thought. BTW I have the built in GPS system. I personally like aftermarket GPS systems better.
I think a disc is the way to go. I just have to find one that is big enough. The suction cup on the Navigon 7210 holder is quite large. My last navigator was a Garmin Nüvi. I never used the disc that came with that one. But i think it is too small to fit the Navigon cup.
I use the Proclip attached to the vent to the left of the MFD. Works great for me without blocking my vision out the windshield.
The ScanGauge is stuck to the Garmin GPS unit suctioned to the beanbag mount perched on the dash in the left corner.
If you have a Garmin Nuvi, the best solution by far is the beanbag mount. Put it in any reasonably horizontal surface, and it will stay, rock solid.
I like those beanbag mounts too. TomTom also makes some for its GPS models. And there are generic ones too: Amazon.com: beanbag mounts