I couldn't find this in the forum search engine. I got the 2007 Prius a week ago. Today i got new tires so i went into the Info/maintenance section, Tires, to input this information. Today is the 10th but after entering 1/10/09 and pushing "OK" i got a message saying there was a problem with my date, it was in the past. Soon i realized my calendar has today's date as the 11th. I'm sure it's Saturday the 10th. My laptop confirms it. Is my Prius on Japanese time? The records I have for the car show that it's been in the US since 12/06. I could not find any settings to change the day on the calendar. That doesn't mean it's not there some place, but i haven't found it yet if it's there. So far, a search of the owners manual hasn't led to any clues. There's nothing under Calendar. Is there any way of changing the date on the calendar to show the correct date? I'm on the West coast and it just occurred to me that it was probably after midnight Eastern time when i discovered this problem. But the car has spent its life on the West coast so that still doesn't explain why it has the wrong date.
Since writing the above, it became 1/11, as midnight passed. I checked the car's calendar. It still says the 11th for today, so it's either unrelated to the car's clock, or, it changed to the 11th at 9pm my time (Pacific), shortly before i encountered the problem, or, it's on a 24 hour clock and it read the car's 12 hour clock as 12pm. But how can this clock be reset to reflect my local time?
It appears that both the cell phone call list and the calendar are hardwired to Eastern Standard Time. There's a timezone setting for the NAV, but it doesn't affect anything else. I'm pretty sure the calendar gets the current date from the NAV system, but not correcting for the timezone. NAV gets it from the GPS satellites.
I would think that if there is a setting for time zone and you leave it wrong, everything else will be wrong. I set mine to Pacific, and all is good.... What can it hurt to set it to correct time zone and see if everything else tracks as it should..... Just a thought, 73 de Pat KK6PD
But that's it -- it's not left wrong. I've got the NAV's timezone set to MST, but the calendar date rolls over at 10pm (midnight EST). Likewise, the phone calls list is off by 2 hours.
alanh, my friend, I owe you an apology!!! I just reread your post, went out to the car, called my wife, taking her away from "24" mind you (taking my life into my hands there!!) and my call log is off by 3 hours. Everything is referenced EST!!! I went in to EVERY SCREEN, I find submenu's for a living!!, set the time zones as I suggested, no matter, It is still referenced EST!!! I never looked that closely when I set the car up 8 months ago. The phone is correct, it's call log is correct. Its the car that's off.!!! This should be a fun one to debug!!! We should keep in touch, I feel the itchin to fix sumpthin!! Somebody else go check your call log and see what yours says!! Thanks! 73 de Pat KK6PD
today I checked the navigation settings and it was set to Eastern time. I had gone through those settings the night i got the car, but i guess i assumed it was set to Pacific time because it had spent its whole life in southern California. I didn't notice it being set to Eastern time. I changed it to Pacific time today. I just checked the calendar at 10:02pm on the dashboard clock and it still says Monday the 12th! About this time Saturday night, it said it was Sunday the 11th. Looking good. (Clarification: i wrote this last night on Monday so the dates of the post are off. My internet went down last night before i could send the post)
I saw the other posts about others having the Eastern time even though they reset to another time zone. I'll check mine again tonight closer to midnight. When i discovered the discrepancy on Saturday it was about 10:30pm and i just wanted to enter the info that i got new tires but the system wouldn't allow me to because i was trying to use the 10th as the date, which was the actual date for me at that time on the West coast and was the date that i got the tires. Leaving aside that i dont' know why it wouldn't let me enter the date on what it considered to be the previous date (are you required to enter it on the exact date it was done or else it's too late??), it said 1/11 on the calendar at 10:30pm on the 10th. But last night at 10:02pm by the car's clock, the calendar said the correct date, 1/12. I would guess though that the time on the car's clock may not be the same as the time on the navigator's clock, so it's possible that the car's clock was a little fast compared to the Navigator's clock and maybe the Navigator was before 10pm and thus still the 12th on the East coast. I'll check it later tonight.
Yesterday was Tuesday 1/13. I checked the calendar around 10:30pm. It still said 1/13. Then i checked it around two minutes before midnight. It still said 1/13. Then, at exactly midnight, it changed to 1/14. So the calendar operated correctly. On Saturday night 1/10 around 10:30pm, the calendar said 1/11. It was not the correct date. The problem was caused because my Navigation time zone setting was set on Eastern time and i'm on the West coast. Changing the setting to Pacific time corrected the calendar problem on my car. It remains a mystery why others are having the problem despite changing the navi setting thanks for the help here. Another trip to the service department averted. I'll check the call log today.
Yeah thats the big one, I bet you will find the call log is in Military time, and it is 3 hours off!!! Make a call say at 5pm, I bet the call log will read 20:00 hrs, which is 8pm est!!! If its not, I want to figure out how yours works and mine does not.... Looking forward to your findings. Thanks Pat KK6PD
It took me a while to remember to check it when i was in the car, i just finally checked it today--yes, EST in military time, three hours ahead of me on the West coast.