Hi everyone- Well I decided to buy an auxiliary port adapter for my 2001 Prius. After looking around and searching through these forums I found lots of information about this, but it seemed like the only way was through coastaltech. Well, after extensive online research I found a manufacturer/product thing called blitzsafe. They make something called "toy aux dmx v.1" and it's supposed to do the same thing (create hard wired auxiliary port) but I found it a lot cheaper. Today I attempted installing it. By following the instructions I got exactly it didn't work. So I tried different configurations with the cables and actually got it to work a few times- but when it did, each time it would disable all access to any other functions. The screen would even go blank sometimes. To anyone who is reading this- do not do what I did! Well I've given it up for now, but unfortunately in the process I did something very stupid and I hope everyone who sees this learns from this: My Prius does not have an indash changer or factory navigation system, but it also doesn't have CD changer controls. And apparently that, along with the fact I changed cable configurations, was more than enough to mess up my audio system. Now my CD player does not light up, turn on, or recognize. In addition to that, the in dash clock does not work. It took about three hours for me to realize the adapter didn't work, although the place I bought it from had no disclaimers about what it could or could not work on. I should have researched it more. So my question to you all is this- is there any hope for my cd player? I tested the contacts on the plug it connects to with a multimeter and got voltage readings, so there is power being routed there...but I know virtually nothing about how the cd player interacts with the audio system (what kind of cables are used, etc). Of course, before all this happened, I tried using a stereo tape adapter- one of those adapters that gives you a 3.5mm headphone jack from a tape deck- but the tape playback hardware itself makes really loud noises. I would really, really appricate anyone's help here with this. Getting a new audio system is very expensive and it's annoying not having a cd player or a normal, quiet tape player. I've almost exhausted all my options other than calling the company that made this aux adapter. Please help!
Hiya. You say your clock don't work huh? This means that you most likely fried some fuse, not the CD changer itself. And, looking at your electronic skills (sorry dude) I'd recommend to visit a good serviceman and DO NOT ever think of fixing this on your own. Fuses don't burn without a serious reason.
I actually checked the fuses- they were all intact. But yeah, I've not worked on anything like this and probably won't again. I just need to know if there is any kind of fix possible, and if it's worth getting repaired by someone.