I recently bought a black 2009 Prius with the #2 package. I love driving this car. I am amazed how roomy the interior feels, especially in the back seat. I love the silence when the gasoline engine shuts off, and the car is powered by the hybrid battery and the motor/generators. I am trying to figure out how to put a bike rack on the Prius. There is quite a lot of good information about that on this forum. I am an electrical engineer, so am looking forward to learn about Hybrid cars. Again, I love my new car... And, this forum/website is great as well...
G'day Twindad2002, glad to hear another gushing parent of bouncing baby Prius. It's a very special car and I'm sure you will find a great bunch of people and I believe the most comprehensive collection of Prius data in the known universe on PriusChat. Use the search function before asking questions and the people here are fantastic, well all except me, I'm a grumpy old fa**! Catch ya, Pat
Congratulations! :welcome:Just bought a new Prius this past December. Well actually it is my wife's car. I am a EE as well but work as a Software Engineer. We really like our new Prius. It does not look all that big from the outside but agree it is quite roomy inside. Our two kids fit comfortably in the back seat. I think the Hybrid Synergy drive is impressive in how seamlessly it utilizes the engine and motor. Hybrid powertrain aside the Prius is a really nice car. I am considering trading in my 2002 CR-V for a 2010 Prius - can't wait.
Hi all.....I am in the process of buying my 09 Prius package 3. Can hardly wait for it to be delivered to my dealer. Fill me in on pros and cons of extended warranty, what I should watch out for at delivery, etc. Thanks for any help.
You have until basic warranty runs out (3 yrs) to buy an extended service plan, plus you can save money butying it through this site. During test drive, see the car tracks perfectly straight, and that the steering is centered on a level road. I looked over the car repeatedly before buying, inside and out. btw, package 3 is a good one. You get the better audio, bluetooth, skip the HID headlights which are Really expensive ($400 per side!) to be replaced by Toyota anyway.
Thanks for the heads up about the discounted warranty through this site. I will certainly do that. I already heard about "nixing" the HID headlights, but I am happy about the upgraded audio, blue tooth and XM. Do you change your oil,etc., at the dealer or elsewhere? I have 2 free changes/inspections coming, but after that should I continue that to get the best service? How about the whole bladder in the gas tank issue? I live in Louisiana and is the change/s in temperature going to be a big issue in knowing how much gas is in the tank? I am confused about that....please help.