OK, I'm either blind, or a dumb-ss, but I swear, I can't find the diagnostic connector on my '08 Prius. I've looked under the dash and all I see is the big fuse box. Mostly, I've concentrated on the left side, but looked all over, even the passenger side. I want to buy a scan=gauge, but is this is a major hassle, this 72 yr. old isn't up tp it. Any ideas? Thanks Fred:mod:
The DLC is under driver side dash above your right leg if you were to be driving next to the center console it is usually a white connector. hope this helps.
I have a CANUSB plugged into mine, and the big connector pokes me in the shin, just above the right ankle. I believe its white plastic, in a black housing. That should help you find yours...
Thanks guys, I found it, with your help, and can't understand how I missed it. My next question, after looking at it's placement is this, if it's hooked up, will it protrude to the point of being hit by one's leg, or be an eyesore in the cabin. I'm definitely interested in the Scangauge II, but pictures of it and dimensions don't discuss how it will work out. I don't think it's a problem to mount. I have a few ideas on that. Fred
Fred, a cable is plugged into the OBDC connector below the steering wheel. I snaked the cable through the hole down there. My ScanGauge is tucked under my GPS on the beanbag mount. The beanbag rides on the left corner of the dash over by the vent. I store the unit in a box on the deck & leave the cable draped across the steering column. I display RPM, coolent temp, instantaneous mpg, and gallons per hour.
I display RPM | coolant temp TMG (trip mileage xgauge) and | AMPS (current flow in/out of battery) I'd probably also swap out TMG with gallons per hour.
I brought the cable up over the steering column and wrapped it around the column a couple times and it comes out just right to sit precisely on top the column. That puts it in an excellent location to observe.
When you plug in the Scanguage II cable it protrudes downward about 1 cm. It's not a problem. I ran the cable up at the joint in the dash plastic and put the Scanguage II just to the left of the MFD using velcro tape. Do be careful to coil up the excess cord and tie it under the dash so it doesn't drop down and catch your leg/foot as you operate the vehicle.