I had my first really bad Prius day today. I am notorious for getting lost so the Navigation system in my '05 Prius was essential. Today I had to find a conference center that I have never been to. I input the address into the Address Finder (so far so good), found the address and off I went. Like most people, I know how to get to the highway so at first I ignored the directions and I didn't notice anything awry. My first indication of a problem was when the NAV system (she) told me to make a left in the next .1 mile. I was traveling 65 on the highway with no exit in sight. I glanced over at the map and it said that I was in Windsor, NY. This was strange since I was just passing Stamford, CT. Clearly, the GPS has LOST its position and it seemed to think that I was heading North and not South. As you might expect, I got good and lost and it took me over 1.5 hours to find a place that should have taken me 10 minutes or less. I had to call the convention center and ask them for directions. Gasp! I thought my days of direction asking embarrassment were over. I had thought that this was impossible since it should synchronize with the GPS Satellite, but clearly it is not doing it. I tried shutting off and restarting the Prius, no luck. I tried waiting a bit and then restarting, no luck. I looked at the calibration function in the setup screen, but the interface doesn't seem accurate enough. You can set your current position and direction, but I was lost, so that was of no use. I am also wary to set this myself since I it seems unlikely to get it even close without a compass and a good GPS. This is what happens when you become too dependant on technology. My car is going in for service on Friday to fix this but I was wondering: Has this has happened to anyone else ??
Nothing that extreme. I've entered an address and not specified the city which can give some pretty strange routing but it's always been obviously an error in setting the destination. The map always showed where I really was. You might verify that NAV is set to correct region of the country on the destination screen. Don't know what else could cause it to report a wrong location or direction of travel.
Also verify that the wording GPS is showing by the map heading icon in the upper left corner. You can check on the satellite signals being received by going into diagnostic mode. Push Display, flash your taillights 3 or 4 times. Rest should be self explanitory.
I have verified that I have the correct region set. However, I haven't checked the diagnostics for the GPS. I will try that and get back to you. THANKS! DanMan32, as always, you are a wealth of information.
By the way, made a mistake about activating diagnostic. You can enter it one of 2 ways. One is while in display mode, hit just below the upper banner, and then above the lower banner and repeat about 3 or 4 times. Other method is flash the tails 3 or 4 times while holding the info button on the bezel down.
I thought it was the ODO button you held down while turning the headlights off and on.... been a long time though.
OK, I was able to get into the Diagnostics mode and Clicked on the Navigation/GPS menu items. I pressed and held the Display button while pressing the brake pedal and turning on an off my lights repeatedly. I was able to make it work twice, but I am not sure what I did exactly. I hope nobody was watching I did see that the Satellites #s were changing, but made no difference. There is a reset button that seems like it would help, but it didn't. Last night I simply did what I spoke about earlier and manually input my location and direction. The interface for manually inputting the location and direction seems to be well thought out because all you have to do is go to a location where you know you are (i.e. in front of my house) and then find it on the map. Simply line up the arrow with the street and direction you are pointed and Voila, you are calibrated. This is by no means perfect since my street is not really as straight as the map indicates and I am sure that I was NOT perfectly parallel with the curb, but it seems good enough. I would have thought that the GPS would correct my position automatically. Right? I am beginning to wonder if the Prius works differently than hand held Navigaiton systems. Why, for example, does it want to know when you get new tires? The Garmin GPS system doesn't have access to speed and tire information right? Why does the Prius require it? I have heard that there is some limitation to the accuracy of civilian GPS systems for security reasons, but I can't see how that would make a difference. Do all navigation systems work this way? Do they require a known starting position and then use the satellites in combination with a built in compass to figure out where you are by calculating the change in position? For now, manually inputting my starting position seems to have solved the problem because the map seems to be tracking my current position fairly accurately. I spoke with the dealer and they suggested cancelling my appointment and take a "wait and see" attitude. I am not letting them off the hook so fast. I will watch it for a day and decide tomorrow if they are going to have to take a look at it. Any comments or suggestions would be VERY helpful.
This all just seems very odd. I can't understand how it didn't know your position unless you simply were not detecting enough satellites. The tire information is for the dead reconning system, not the GPS per se. The system only tracks the GPS signal every 20-30 seconds, so when you turn or change speeds the map continues to smoothly track your progress despite the GPS not yet correcting your position. I've never had to manually input my location and didn't even know that was possible other than for marking my position. When you went into diagnostic mode how many satellites were you 'seeing'? How was the signal strength? Were you in approximately the same place as when you were having trouble initially? This is just odd.
List list of sattelites seemd to be full, though I am not sure how many there should be in the list. There at least 8 or 10 of them. There wasn't an obvious column for signal strength, but I will check again and write down the numbers. FYI, I was traveling down I-95 in south eastern Connecticut when I first noticed that it was wrong. It is hilly, but I am not near any mountains and I was pretty close to the coast. So far the only scenario that I can come up with is that there is a problem with it interpretting the satellite data and it is only using the dead reconning. I wonder how I can tell. I agree. It is strange.
I wonder if it is possible that the calibration function was previously used (possibly by someone else?) to set an incorrect location & direction for the car. If that happened, and the location that was set is near Windsor, NY, then I can how the behavior you describe could occur. The NAV lady would track on the map in the general vicinity of the "calibrated" location and try to re-route you to the entered destination. Is that a possibility?
I often see my car hundreds of yards from where it aught to be, like off in the trees, but that has usually been in the mountains where, I guess, I have lost contact with multiple satellites. Nothing as bad as described here...
I suspect someone had calibrated the position manually to something very wrong. And as a result, the car was basically ignoring the data coming from the satellites, as the data it got from them was so far out from its assumed current location, it assumed there must be some sort of technical glitch. Anyone want to try this? Calibrate to something hundreds of miles away, and see if it will snap back. The other thing to look at is whether the "GPS" indicator at the top-left of the main map display was lit.
Just to be clear. I didn't calibrate the Navigation system until AFTER it placed me about 30 miles from where I actually was. It was working fine, though possibly using dead reconning for the entire time I have owned the car (3 months). If it is using dead reconning, then it is doing it very well. It is also working correctly now (I think), but I really don't know if it is using the satellites or not. Wait a minute. Is there a "GPS" indicator on the top left of the display? I remember seeing the compass icon, but I am not sure I have seen anything that says GPS. Does anyone have a picture? This will really help me when I go to the dealer tomorrow.
One more thing. I realized that I should mention that I have an '05 Prius and if you have a picture of the NAV on a different model/year, please mention it. If anyone has an '05 which has the "GPS" icon in the corner, please mention that also. I want to make sure that it isn't different on the '05. I think that we may be onto something. Thanks everyone. BTW DanMan32, I saw that you mentioned the "GPS" icon in your earlier post but I didn't realize the import of that statement until just now. Again, thanks.
Column LVL is signal level. STS is the GPS's status on that satellite: T - usefull but not being used. P- being used -- not available. If you look on page vi on the navigation manual, it talks about the GPS icon in the upper left. Indicates GPS signals being received (and used).
Navigation figures out your location using 3 methods that are blended together: 1. GPS providing latitude and longitude. Change in these determines speed and direction. 2. Dead Recogning. Using speed pulses (actually wheel turn pulses) from the ODO, change in direction based on an electronic gyroscope, and whether you are in reverse or not. This is where tire size is important, so it knows how far you moved for every speed pulse. 3. Map Traversal/snap-to. Tries to use logic in where the map says you are, and where you are going. Example, if it thinks you are on street A, and street A makes a left turn but does not go straight, but you do, and there is a nearby street that goes straight, you must really be on that nearby street. Garmin can only use method 1, and adjusting with method 2. For Prius NAV, if method 1 fails or is slow to update, it can use method 2 to have more fine resolution. Method 2 cannot determine initial direction as there is no compass. So it needs method 1 sometime in its life to figure out direction. Method 3 might be able to be used to find direction for method 2, but that could take a long while.
DanMan32: First, I didn't realize that the car doesn't have a compass, so now I am confused. I can;t tell if it is using the GPS or now. Second, there is definitely no GPS icon in the top left corner. There is the Compass icon, but that is it. I guess that the car is going in for service tomorrow. I will let you know what happens.
I went back and checked the Diagnostics Screen and the LVL and STS columns are '0's and '-'s for all of the satellites. The Toyota service technician told me that the FM transmitter for my IPOD is interfering with the Navigation system. As a result it isn't able to "lock-in" to the GPS signal. Does this seem possible to anyone?
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(shulmda\";p=\"79797)</div> It is "Possible"...sure, just about anything is possible. But is it what's doing it....I can basicly guarantee that it isn't. So many of us have used FM modulators of various types without any prior issues that this seems extremely unlikely. If it were that simple why wouldn't any FM signal flying through space cause interference. Besides, it is very very easy to test. Turn off the transmitter, see what happens...if the GPS is not tracking then it isn't the transmitter. If it is tracking turn on the transmitter. Did it stop tracking? If so then we can buy the tech a beer and sent a letter of thanks to his boss. I don't think you're going to be out the cost of a beer or have to write 'that' letter. The other question I have is, did you actually talk to the Prius tech, or just the 'team leader' guy who's job it is to deflect all hard questions by saying anything necessary to get you to go away? Hmmm....I must be grumpy today...and my shift doesn't start for 20 minutes. :| :cussing:
I have a DLO TransPod All-in-One Car Solution for my ipod. This is a handy device that charges my IPOD, transmits the music over any frequesncy that I dial into it and is a cradle that places it within easy reach for skipping tracks and viewing the song that is playing, and generally navigating the menus. The only drawback is that the FM modulator is not good at all so I use it in combination with a cassette adapter for the best sound quality. Cleary it wasn't worth the price for just a cradle and a charger, but I own it now so.... In any case, I think that I owe the tech a beer and a letter. As it turns out, if I set the Transpod to 87.5 MHz it interferes with the GPS system. I unplugged it, no problem. The ironic thing about this is that I am not using the FM modulator at all and it was randomly set to that frequency. Also, all I had to do was change the frequency a tiny bit and the GPS started to work. I wonder why it is true. Anyone have an idea?