Walking the walk in her 'white limo' Ontario Environment Minister Leona Dombrowsky commutes from Tweed to Toronto in a fuel-efficient Toyota Prius hybrid If she's going to talk the talk on air quality, Ontario Environment Minister Leona Dombrowsky figures she had better walk the walk -- especially when she hops behind the wheel of her car. As a minister, she recently introduced tough new rules on industrial emissions; as a driver, she's motoring around in a 2003 Toyota Prius, a hybrid automobile touted by the manufacturer as one of the most fuel-efficient and least polluting vehicles plying North American roadways. Read rest of article by clicking here.
It was among the first decisions Dombrowsky made following her appointment. Shez got one hell of customized ride and looks like she would keep the promotion on.
In our last General Election,the Green Party got into government with our main political party,most of the time the Green Ministers cycle to work but on official business/functions they use Prii and not the black Mercs used by everyone else....it's about the only decent thing they've done since getting into power!!...and yes i voted for them!!